Hello! Well this has been a long time coming - Update 28 is here but it has been a lot of work so I've split it into two parts. This is part one. This update meant I had to completely rewrite the system that buildings use to exist within the game, since when I first wrote it years ago the scope of the game was a lot smaller and thus the system was pretty basic. This new system though is brilliant and easily expandable, and best of all it is fully compatible with your saves! While making this update I had some time to reflect on how far SAELIG has come as a game and how far I've come as a developer. I genuinely love this game and I love what I'm doing, and I'm so glad to have you all along on this ride with me. Thank you for everything. I recently saw some videos from years ago when I first released SAELIG and I think it's amazing how far it has come. The first screenshot is from the release version of the game, and the second is from Update 28. That is the same town in both screenshots! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28864649/575f7ad0ff188f814683988840e0a83685836143.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//28864649/53a3032cff375b04da65b6d5edd1278f164cb529.png[/img] Anyway, that’s enough nonsense from me. Below is the change log accompanied by a video to show off the best bits. [previewyoutube=3O8V6izll3I;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]The Good Bits:[/h2] • Some UI additions and improvements. • Fishing boats can be built at the fishing dock. • New random clutter placement. • Skill changes – burglary, arson, entertainment, can result in injury at lower levels. • Changes to rentals – AI will now rent houses more often and various other AI improvements for housing. • Map updates. • New plants. • New terrain shaders. • Wild animals. • Buy a drink and have a dance with someone in a nearby Alehouse. • New starting system. No longer will you select your starting money, but instead you select a starting situation. • A bunch of backend changes which has resulted in major FPS gains for a lot of systems. Some systems will see 20 to 30 fps improvement, others will gain 5 to 10. Can’t guarantee all systems will benefit, but I can hope. • Estate Farm and Farmhouse replaced with individual Fields and Corrals. • AI are better at moving around the map to find work. • Empty plots of lands that can be purchased. Two sizes, large and small. • Empty land plots can be developed into actual buildings using wood and money. So basically, you can build stuff now, but you need to own the land first. • Existing buildings can also be redeveloped into other buildings. • NPCs will also buy and develop land. • New fancy fog. • Automation improvements. • Market alerts. Open the market compare panel to add alerts for when items are added to any market. • Fancy new snow that melts slowly and builds up depending on snowfall. The new snow also does not build up under shelters or around lit fires. As well as that there is a new snowfall particle. • Map population limits increased. • All town and village starting populations increased. • Probably more, but my actual list has like 80 items in it, and this list is just for the really good stuff. [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] • Honestly, there are a lot, and I didn’t write them all down. But bugs have been fixed in almost every system, including the below. • Fixed some bugs with some LODs. • Fixed a problem with the Employment window. It will now properly hide your current employees by default. • Fixed issues where carts sometimes didn’t do cart stuff. • Fixed bug that caused milk to be undrinkable. • Fixed bug with gaining excess skill levels during Waylay. • Fixed some AI detection bugs. • Fixed bug where people wouldn’t assign themselves to work properly. • Fixed a bug where the guard captain wasn’t getting a portion of bounty. • Fixed bug with people not moving into gifted houses straight away. Now as I say, part two of this update is coming as well. No ETA yet, but it will be a lot easier to get out compared to this one. I’m also looking at encouraging some streamers and YouTubers to take a look at SAELIG with this new update. So, if you know anyone who may fit, or you are that person, get in touch. Woo woo, have fun. Atorcoppe.