Howdy, hope everything is swell, Update 27 is now available for all platforms. [b]New Bits[/b] [list] [*]Playable Abbot. Apply the same way you'd apply for Guard Captain. You'll get to run the Church, receive 'donations' from people during sermons, and bless people. [*]A new toggle that lets you disable or enable direct sales from the Alehouse and Bakehouse. [*]Entire new design for inventory trading. The new system allows you to trade with a building from a cart or character, so you no longer have to click on the market. And other good bits. [*]Tooltips for items. Long time coming, but now you can see proper details about items. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Lots of UI tweaks and inventory tweaks. [*]No more selling direct from Herbalist. [*]Big changes to a lot of items, recipes, prices, etc. Cured fish removed. [*]Big AI changes. They are able to sustain themselves a lot better, which also translates to better automation. [*]Tweaks to starting goods for some merchants. [*]People make better choices when they are poor. [*]Learning at the Learning Hall is now more effective. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Inventory duplication bugs fixed. [*]Fixed production events happening at the wrong time. [*]Fixed missing production events from Bakehouse and Farmhouse. [*]Fixed a bug that would cause save corruption. [*]Fixed bug that would cause your cart to stop moving after pressing TAB. [*]Fixed some bugs with pausing. [*]Fixed a bug where AI characters would not get 'Well Rested' buff. [*]Fixed a bug where some people would not go and eat food. Which is just a bad choice on their part. [*]Fixed some interior camera issues in the Estate Farm and Herbalist Hut. [*]Fixed a bug where you could not set default keys during gameplay. [/list] Quite a few other bits have been done as well. You'll probably notice things I have not listed. This update was a long time coming and I'm very happy with the tooltips and new trading. The new trading feels way less awkward and cumbersome. I spent a lot of time on tweaking recipes and items and running various businesses in AI mode for years to make sure the items and the AI had profit potential. Which is why this took so long... Just so much testing. Like millions of testings. Maybe. Happy gaming! Stardog.