Howdy, hope you're all doing well! Update 26 is now available for all platforms. [b]New Bits[/b] [list] [*]You can now convert corrals to fields and fields to corrals, if you have the [b]Building Placement[/b] upgrade for the farm. The more fields or corrals doing the same production means more bonus crops or increased production speed. [*]A new event for both teachers and gravediggers. [*]New church. [*]A second possible alehouse interior. [*]At certain heights and distances you can now see town names above towns, to help you know exactly where you are. [*]A trading skill that can grant you a gold bonus when selling items to market. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Warping to a character, building, etc, now retains your existing camera rotation. No more camera automatically changing rotation for you. [*]Opening the map will also keep the existing Y rotation of your camera. [*]Fines for crimes now increase based on previous criminal record. [*]When you're tired you will now learn at a slower rate. [*]Tweaks to various things, including recipes, UI, and entertainment income. [*]People will now be more likely to stay around home when dark. [*]You can now wake up your sleeping spouse to engage in activities. [*]New notifications in certain situations. [*]Cured fish is now considered a food. [*]The wage info panel will now take into consideration child workers and free workers. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Some loading corruptions have been banished. [*]Give item was disabled for no obvious reason sometimes. [*]Fresh orphans sometimes would not properly change their town based on their new home at the church. [*]There was a bug where it was possible to have a bounty of 0. [*]The farmhouse had purple hives sometimes. [*]The odd situation made right click not work. Not anymore! [*]Fixed a bug that would cause people to stand around doing just about nothing for no reason. [*]The camera will no longer jump around when the game is paused. [*]Waylay had some problems. These problems have been improved. [*]Navigation bugs have been identified and smashed. [*]There was a couple problems with inheritance which have now been squashed. [/list] Happy gaming! Stardog.