Hi all, Update 25 is now available for all platforms. Quite a few new things, changes, and fixes in this version. Hope you enjoy! [b]New Bits[/b] [list] [*]Become a gravedigger at the graveyard if the position is free. [*]Become a teacher at the learning hall if the position is free. [*]New carts and load system which shows the kind of items on the cart. [*]A simple foliage mode which will give you less trees and grass. [*]Swords and axes. Can be made, bought, used. [*]Assassinate people with a sword or axe. [*]Foxes. New production events will spawn foxes. Dogs will keep them away. [*]Elder events. New events which occur when you're an elder. [*]New production events. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]No more trees in map mode. [*]Graphical changes. Textures, trees, terrains. [*]Map filter changes. [*]When inside a building you can now exit while the UI is hidden. [*]New notifications when certain things happen. [*]Comparing inventory items in a business inventory will now show other items that it can produce. [*]Some extra UI changes. [*]People will now buy more food and medicine. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed bugs where people would not return to work or leave work properly [*]Fixed bug where ducks would not spawn at Farmhouse. [*]Fixed bug where coats would not display. [*]Fixed some waylay positions. [*]Fixed bug where seasons and years would not pass correctly if playing more than one day per season. [*]Fixed bug which would make the game fail to save. [*]Fixed bug where tenants would move out after loading a saved game. [*]Fixed bug which would cause guards to break after you bribe them. [*]Looting carts that have no drivers will now not break interactions. [*]Fixed some interior nav issues. [*]Made it easier for people to navigate through fences. [*]Fixed bug where a worker could move to a different town and break production. [*]Fixed bug where buildings would not be able to be entered. [*]Fixed bug that would cause the game to freeze when paused. [*]Fixed bug where people would vanish from family trees. [*]Fixed some coding errors that could cause some slowdowns. [*]Fixed bug where recent transactions were not listed. [*]Fixed bug where certain people would not work at certain jobs properly. [/list] I didn't end up doing everything I wanted for this update, but I did some other cool stuff instead. Happy gaming! Stardog.