Hi all, Update 24 is now available for all platforms. [b]New Bits[/b] [list] [*]Players can now request resources using their cart [*]New button to dismiss all notifications [*]Children can now build snowmen in winter [*]Children can now play in piles of leaves in autumn [*]Children can now throw stones at things and then run away because children are naughty [*]New herbalist hut [*]New herbalist recipe – Herbal Charm – which can be consumed and increases immunity for a time [*]New Fishing Hut recipe – Fish Bone Charm – which can be consumed and applies a buff for a time [*]Silver and gold jewellery are now charms that can be consumed to apply buffs for a time [*]New butcher [*]Fences for huts and houses are now upgrades that increase break-in time a small amount [*]New fog [*]New controls added to rotate the camera left and right (default z and x) [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Various quality of life changes [*]Some slight texture adjustments [*]Adjustments for some recipes [*]Changes to some standing positions when characters are interacting with objects [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug with the Well Fed buff [*]Fixed a bug at the Estate Farm that would break certain productions [*]Fixed some purple textures [*]Fixed some bugs related to death and passing buildings to an heir [*]Some UI fixes [*]Fixed an issue where time and seasons could get out of sync [*]Fixed an issue that would cause the game to freeze when paused [*]Fixed a bug where you could hire more than 2 people with the flour mill [/list] [b]Known Issues[/b] [list] [*]MacOS - Exit button may not work on main menu [*]MacOS - Systems that only run OpenGL may not work (trying to fix as soon as possible. Metal works). Mac OpenGL users can try to use the [i]macos-opengl[/i] beta branch [*]Fog may be a bit thick in some cases [/list] [b]Next Update[/b] (Not set in stone) [list] [*]Playable Bishop [*]New Map (if time allows) [*]Some very basic construction [*]Rebuild houses and huts in a different style [*]Inventory tooltips [*]Towns to expand and change when populations increase [*]Perks [*]Elder voting events [/list] Cheers for the continued support. Truly sorry that this labour of love isn't being developed at a faster rate. Stardog.