Hey all, A new update is currently being built, and will be made live to each platform as it is ready. Windows 64bit and 32bit are ready now. [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]People will now properly heal themselves when given a herbal tea. [*]You can no longer apply for guard captain in towns you don't live in. [*]Merchant and military camps are back, after a bug shut them down. [*]Spouses of children will now show up in family trees. [*]The player's home town will no longer randomly change. [*]Fixed an issue that would cause Positions of Power to not display correctly. [*]Spouse will no longer buy food they has been stored at home already. [*]Fixed several issues that could cause game lockups and crashes. [*]You can no longer pay a fine when you don't have enough money. [*]Fixed some instances of fields populating twice. [/list] [b]New Things[/b] [list] [*]New people window to make it easier to fined people you know. [*]Command menu will now say if someone is busy. [*]Commands that are cooling down will now display as such. [*]New water added. [*]New foliage. [*]Player can now get drunk. [*]New buff 'Bliss' that can fulfil needs and increase health, but stops you learning new things for a small period of time. This can be obtained by drinking, or having relations with your spouse. [*]New notifications. [/list] [b]Tweaks[/b] [list] [*]Removed guard dogs for now, as they did not work correctly anymore and I want to replace them. [*]Enhanced terrain textures. [*]Performance tweaks. [*]Divorcing your spouse is now more costly. [*]General improvements. [*]Game will no longer unpause when issuing a command to your player. [*]Camera warp will no longer change your zoom. [*]You can now adjust camera panning sensitivity in options. Camera panning should also now be more consistent. [*]Artwork changes. [/list] Still working hard on lots of things, but wanted to get something out. Cheers, Stardog.