Hello, Sorry, this took a few days longer than I wanted it to, but here's the next update. [list] [*]Positions of Power: Elders, Bishops, Guard Captains. Each town, depending on its size, has a number of elders. These are the oldest members of town. They vote on who will be the next bishop or guard captain. The player can become an elder and a guard captain. Bishop is currently unplayable. Click on the new button in the top right menu or on a longhouse for more details. [*]Children can now be properly enrolled at the learning hall. This costs a small amount of gold but they will be fed and warm during the day and learn new skills. [*]Update to automation so that you can now supply your other businesses. [*]Updates to AI and how they run their businesses. [*]Old people now have grey hair. [*]Corruption stat for those who abuse their powers. [*]Fixed bug where employees would go missing. [*]Various other bug fixes. [*]Few tweaks here and there. [/list] I'm already working on the next update, which will further expand on the Positions of Power system, and more. Cheers, Stardog.