Hey all! Hope you're having a great holiday period. It has been a while but I have a large update for you all to enjoy. Thanks to those who have done some really great testing for this update. [b]New Stuff & Changes[/b] [list] [*]Newer Herbalist Hut building. [*]Changes to marriage acceptance making it a bit harder. [*]New Well building. [*]A knowledge system. Most actions have this knowledge system attached to them and when people do these actions they get better and better at them. [*]New buff that increases rate of learning for the knowledge system when people are well fed and rested. [*]Scroll wheel now works for scrolling UI windows. [*]People will now stock up on medicine when they can and store it in their home. [*]Changes to some work hours. [*]Changes to some productions. A few recipes have changed slightly and dried fish is now cured fish. [*]People can now give birth to twins. [*]New Alehouse building and upgrades. [*]Changes to the market system – including price calculations and some new UI. [*]A Punishment Pit has been added for when people cannot pay fines after committing crimes. [*]You now have the option to flee from a guard after breaking the law which will add a bounty to your character and make you an outlaw. People will slowly start to talk about you and the news that you’re an outlaw will spread from person to person. People who know you’re an outlaw will have an icon above their head and will report you on sight. [*]Guards now have a break from patrolling at around midnight. [*]Kissing and other close contact has the chance of passing on illnesses. [*]A new type of notification that appears at the top right. These notifications will tell you when you learn a new skill or when you’re warm, cold, etc. [*]Less monks and guards at game start. [*]Tree, foliage, terrain, and snow changes. [*]You can now click the background graphic for a inventory in the trading window to select the corresponding cart or character. [*]Herbalist Huts now sell medicine directly. [*]You can now buy produced goods directly from Alehouses, Bakehouses, and Herbalist Huts. [*]Dozens of changes to the AI – businesses, carts, employees, productions, etc. [*]Many changes and optimisations made to the maps. [*]Updated tutorial. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed bug where businesses weren’t hiring properly in some cases. [*]Fixed bug that allowed people to get pregnant multiple times at once. [*]Fixed some building navigation issues. [*]Fixed where people would not sober up properly after being drunk. [*]Fixed a few camera issues. [*]Fixed a bug which would cause people to leave their job for no reason. [*]Many other fixes. [/list] Hope you enjoy! Cheers, Jamie.