Greetings! Just wanted to release an update for you all while I get some other things together for a larger update to come. [b]New Stuff[/b] [list] [*] New system for AI detecting crimes. AI can now choose to report crimes they see, depending on their relationship with the person. Crimes are more easily detected during the day than at night. [*] Thieves can now be sent to distract people who walk past them. [*] A new button that shows information on the selected building, including owner and productions. [*] You can now change your heir via your character’s information window. [*] You can now receive inheritance from family members who die. [*] Children can now go to the Learning Hall during the day where they will keep warm and be kept entertained. More to come with this. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*] Additional notifications added. [*] Women can now work while pregnant up until they become ‘Heavily Pregnant’. [*] Various changes to UI. [*] Tweaks to caravans. [*] Changes to the employment window, you can now choose to see people who you cannot hire and why. [*] A few map changes. [*] Graphical and LOD tweaks. [*] People will now have the option to visit trading posts to buy food. [*] Tweaks to some upgrades. [*] Changes to some buildings. [*] General gameplay tweaks and improvements. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed game breaking bug that would result in a duplicate player family. [*] Fixed some small production bugs. [*] Fixed bug that would cause you to lose relationship points with someone after they change family. [*] Fixed bug where AI would forage when they shouldn’t. [*] Fixed bug that would cause a baby to die before birth. [*] Fixed bugs related to dying. [*] Fixed some nav issues. [*] Fixed some loading bugs. [*] Dozens of other fixes to many different aspects of the game. [/list] Cheers, Stardog.