Just a small update while I work towards a bigger one. [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]When gifting a house they will now decide to live in it if it is better than their current house. [*]Fixed bug that would empty player inventory on load. [*]Fixed foraging when out of season. [*]Fixed bug that meant the pyre could kill people near it. [*]Fixed some saving and loading bugs. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Earlier trading post work hours. [*]You can now again see the current task on characters, but it is vague for non-family members. [*]Changes to how AI characters deal with some relationships. [/list] [b]New Stuff[/b] [list] [*]You can new view detailed info on each family member and friend by clicking the info button when they are selected. [*]Wealthy people can request goods to be delivered to their homes. [*]The camera zoom now works differently. It now zooms based on the angle of the camera, instead of moving the camera up and down. [/list]