Howdy! Just another small update while I continue to work on new stuff. [list] [*]More market adjustments. [*]Disposable packs are no longer given to you when you break into a building or waylay a cart. If you want to take more goods you will need to equip a leather pack. The same goes for the AI. [*]Fixed a few bugs that could cause loading issues. [*]Fixed some more bugs that could cause small but odd things to happen. [*]Fixed a bug that would prevent some cart drivers from releasing when offloading goods at their home building. [*]Further fixes to waylaying, should now be more reliable. [*]Fixed a bug that would cause you to become well fed without actually eating anything. [*]Fixed a bug that would cause inventories in the trading panel to shift and switch around while transferring items to carts. [/list] Sorry that there isn't much here, but more stuff is on the way. Cheers, Stardog.