Howdy, Another update for you all. [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]The Offload and Return Home button for the cart will release the driver when it arrives home like it is meant to. [*]Fixed several positions and buildings that would make the player and characters teleport home. [*]Fixed a bug that meant the trading post would calculate prices incorrectly. [*]If a tenant leaves their house the game will no longer crash or get stuck in a loop. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Market prices are now calculated differently and each market has its own regional variation based on the wealth of the town. Prices within each market are now less volatile and making money from trading is now less about the quantities in each market and more about the variations between each of them. This is an experimental change that should add a new dynamic to the market and prevent exploitation. Please let me know how it goes. There is a button at the top right of the screen that allows you to compare market prices to assist with trading. [*]The church interior has been redone and a third room added. [*]Adjustments to rental properties, it should now be easier to attract tenants. [*]Changes to horse stable points. [*]Loading a saved game should now be much faster. In some cases it can be up to 4 times faster when loading a saved game. [/list] [b]New Stuff[/b] [list] [*]Wells have been added to Estate Farms and Farmhouses. [*]You can now payoff people who hate you as a way to increase relationship. [*]Orphans are now in the game. They can be randomly created when starting a new game, but will come about in existing games if both parents of a child die. A children without parents will move to the church with the monks and live there until they are adopted or grow up. You can right-click on the church and send you player to visit the orphans which will allow you to adopt any of them. [/list] There have also been a few other small changes and fixes. Cheers! Stardog.