Howdy all, Update #15 is ready to go. Nothing huge, but we're getting there. [b]New things and changed things[/b] [list] [*]Added additional detail to some notifications. [*]Marriage acceptance has been further enhanced to take into account more aspects of the player's life and situation. [*]Starting a new game will now produce a much better balance of young and old people. No longer will you be stuck with lots of old folks. [*]A few changes to the coat system, the AI should now be smarter about wearing them. [*]You can now choose to purchase a building without any employees. [*]You may notice an influx of new families when you load a saved game. This is the result of a few systems working better. [*]Slight optimisations to saving and loading. [*]More new props added. [*]Testing the waters with a couple new UI designs. Still a lot of placeholder UI, and even some of the new UI is still placeholder. [/list] [b]Fixed things[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug that could result in extra items if you were working in your business when the shift ended. [*]Fixed a bug that would cause characters to reset if you followed them. [*]Carts should no longer be stranded for days out in the forest after a waylay. [*]A lot of bug fixes for the family tree. Kids from new marriages, previous marriages, and grown up kids, they should all display properly now. [*]Animal data should now load correctly, which means your dog's name will now stay the same. [*]Fixes to some incorrect price data for the meat produced from small carcasses. [*]A bunch of other small bug fixes. [/list] That's all for now folks. Cheers, Stardog.