Howdy all, Just a quick addition to update #15. [list] [*]Fixed up some bad wording in the tutorial. [*]Fixed up a bug that would notifiy you that an employee had bought a business and then quit their job when [i]you[/i] bought a new business. [*]The AI will now light fire pits correctly again, thus using up firewood. [*]You can now set your player to work at one of your businesses by right clicking on it and selecting "Do Work". This saves a bit of time if you swing your player between businesses and productions often. [*]You can now manually restock the sheltered fire spots with firewood. [*]Dogs should no longer follow your family members around, instead they will stay where you tell them to stay. [*]Made an adjustment to burn rates of firewood in fire pits. They now burn a little slower. [/list] Sorry about two updates in two days, but I wanted to get this stuff out. Cheers, Stardog. [url=]Discord[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url]