Howdy, I hope all is well. I have released another update, listed below are the changes. [b]The good bits[/b] [list] [*]The supervising system has been changed. It no longer will apply straight away, but instead you must leave your character there for a while before it is applied. The time it takes to apply is calculated based on your day length. You will get a notification when it is done. [*]More time based things are now calculated properly for day length. So you may notice some things take more or less time, depending on your day length. [*]Changed the UI a bit for inventory icons. There is now a B and a S on each item. B = price at which things are purchased, S = price at which things are sold. [*]Tweaked the health system quite a bit and it is now better calculated based on day length. [*]Fixed several small programming errors that may or may not cause small issues. [*]Fixed a bug that could result in a duplication of your family if a very specific set of things happened. [*]Fixed a bug that was stopping the AI controlled Alehouses from producing food. [*]Quite a few tweaks made in an attempt to fix an issue with time not progressing. Unsure if fixed, do not have enough data on the problem to say for sure. [*]Other minor bugs have also been fixed. [/list] [b]Known Issues[/b] [list] [*]When manipluating time you may notice that the speed up key does not work when the game is paused. This can be solved by *holding* the speed up key for a couple seconds instead of tapping it. [/list] I think that is about all I've got for you today. Cheers, Stardog.