Hello! I only consider this a half update, so we'll call it #13.5. Also I'm calling them updates now instead of patches. Basically I really wanted to get some bugs fixed but wanted to give you more than a simple bug fix, so I threw in some other stuff too. [list] [*]Dogs, sheep, cows, etc, should now be less noisy. [*]Disposable pack doing silly things has now been fixed and it should work as designed. [*]In the last update the ability to sit or sleep near fire pits was broken. Now it is not broken. [*]Fixed an issue where the standard leather pack would freak out if you took it off. [*]Added a timeout to breaking in and it now takes longer to do. [*]I fixed a bug that would make your spouse unable to work if your main character died. [*]Changed the flour mill to have a new building next to it. [*]Replaced a lot of props with new props that are better. [*]Added some additional misc buildings to the maps. [*]Sprinkled some magical fairy dust in several places to make some small things a little bit better. [/list] That's all for now folks! See you in the next one. Stardog.