Hi folks, I've been back at it now after a short break, and this is what I have for you. The main focus is an all new UI which should hopefully be much nicer to use. There are also a few other things added. [list] [*] New UI [*] Updated tutorial [*] You can now name your buildings [*] A new alehouse [*] Now a few of the buildings have a few different interiors to automatically choose from at the start of the game [*] Increased the max building limit [*] Food is now made in higher quantities but is cheaper to buy [*] The alehouse now has an upgrade that allows you to assign a worker to entertain your patrons. This can result in more sales [*] Fixed issue with the meat pies not being produced [*] Fixed an issue where you would not be fined properly if one of your thieves were caught [*] Fixed many navmesh holes that were causing people to become stuck [*] Fixed some buildings that had broken doors [*] Other small fixes and changes [/list] [b]Trouble loading saved games?[/b] If at any point you are unable to load your saved game, please feel free to send it to me for investigation. If you're able to please send it along with your system specs. Send saves to: contact@stardoggames.com Save game location: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Stardog Games\SÆLIG Cheers, Stardog