Hey folks, Another small patch to fix up some things. [b]New[/b] [list] [*] When you assign people to do a job and production has started, if they are too far away they will teleport to work. They'll never be late for work again. [*] Herbalist's Hut production events have been added. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] You can now burn down the alehouse again [*] The alehouse would sometimes eat people when they went inside it. This would cause the town populations to vanish, and grind the game to a stop. This has been fixed. [*] Fixed some bugs related to needs. [*] Fixed a bug where people weren't running when they should be. [*] Fixed a bug related to loading a game where you own a Thieves Den and being forced to pay wages even though I removed Thieves Den wages from the game. [/list] [b]Having issues?[/b] If at any point you are unable to load a saved game, or encounter some odd behaviour, please do send me your saved game along with your system specs. Send saves to: contact@stardoggames.com Save game location: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Stardog Games\SÆLIG [b]What is next?[/b] There are so many things I want to add, but here are a few you should be able to expect for the next update. [list] [*] Travellers - Families, Nobles, War Lords, Bards, etc. [*] Bribes & Gifts [*] Conversation overhaul [*] Automation of production [*] Treasure and reasons to explore [*] Usual bug fixes and improvements [/list] Cheers, Stardog.