Hey folks, I just wanted to get a few things sorted, so here is a new patch. [list] [*] Your thieves will now be paid on commission instead of a wage. So for every amount they pickpocket for you, they take a small cut, and for every cart they waylay they get to keep one item. [*] You've always been able to befriend guards to get better treatment when breaking the law, but now this will also work with your thieves. So if one of your thieves is caught by a guard who is your friend, there is a good chance for leniency. [*] You can now hide the selection UI of a selected building, character, cart, etc [*] Fixed up some issues with the class based building limit [*] Previously you could get half way through character creation then exit to the main menu and start the tutorial with that character. This was not by design and could mess up large portions of the tutorial. It is now fixed. [/list] [b]Having issues?[/b] If at any point you are unable to load a saved game, or encounter some odd behaviour, please do send me your saved game along with your system specs. Send saves to: contact@stardoggames.com Save game location: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\LocalLow\Stardog Games\SÆLIG [b]What is next?[/b] There are so many things I want to add, but here are a few you should be able to expect for the next update. [list] [*] Travellers - Families, Nobles, War Lords, Bards, etc. [*] Bribes & Gifts [*] Conversation overhaul [*] Automation of production [*] Treasure and reasons to explore [*] Usual bug fixes and improvements [/list]