Another patch. Bug fixes and new stuff. [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]10 new production events added [*]When hiring workers if the panel is empty it will now say that there are no workers available and offer some advice [*]Cart upgrade window wording changed to reflect the fact that you're upgrading the entire cart [*]When paying wages, the notifications are now group into their individual buildings. So if you have 3 buildings you will get three groups of wages transactions [*]Selling goods directly from your alehouse or bakehouse is now better for your pocket (this is actuall from patch 4, but forgot to mention it) [*]Added an option for 30 days per season, as requested. [*]Added two types of madicines which people will buy to cure their afflictions. They will also use it if it is stored in their house. [*]Fixed farm workspace upgrade problem [*]You can now select things and interact with things when the game is paused [*]Fixed broken production counter for long and marathon game lengths [*]Invalidated some old save data, which will make old saves bring in new data they previously were not. [*]Fixed a potential load crash [*]Fixed issue where you would pay for more goods than you received when transferring large stacks to your character [*]Fixed problem with bakehouse in tutorial [*]Career criminals will now go back to the last job they were doing at the start of each day [*]New UI skins for nearby inventories [/list] Hopefully that should be most of the major game interrupting bugs gone. I have people helping find the crashes, so that should hopefully get sorted out too. Your saves should work fine, but if they don't, feel free to send it to me and I can take a look, if I can duplicate the issue I should be able to rescue it. Save game location: C:\*Your PC username*\Tower\AppData\LocalLow\Stardog Games\SÆLIG Email to: If you continue to recieve random crashes, flick me an email and we can talk about using the debugging build to try and find the cause. If all goes well and there aren't any major bugs, the next patch will mainly contain new stuff as well as optimisations. I will be working on renting out houses, travelling families (and more), trade agreements, herbalists, production automation, and some other stuff. Beck has also provided me with some new 3D content which will be added. Thanks for everything