Sorry folks, I was meant to release this 7 hours ago, but I screwed something up so I went to sleep instead. Anyway, this one is small, but does include some heavily requested changes. [list] [*]Made some text bigger [*]One particular bush near Norbury has been moved into a better spot [*]Added a description to each money notification [*]Changed the overview map market icon to be red [*]You can now assign productions after hours [*]Production timer is now a %, much easier to understand [*]Another game time related fix, this is hopefully the last one [*]The horse upgrade for the Flour Mill will now give a little more of a boost [*]Fixed some buildings not showing the selection icon after patch #3 [*]Fixed issue where you could not hire a worker with for the Bakehouse [*]Fixed an issue where you could marry as many woman as you want. I will add affairs, but not like that. :P [*]Fixed some more floating benches [*]I renabled the chicken avoidance system so they don't get in the way of things [*]Marathon game length doubled [/list] With this patch also come new achievement names and icons which fit with the game a lot better, and I hope you all like them. You may need to restart Steam to see the new icons. Now, for those people with the crashes - I will also be building a second copy of the game with debugging enabled and issue it under a beta branch. So if you get any crashes you're welcome to select the 'Debugging' beta build under the beta tab in the properties for SÆLIG. Playing with debugging means exceptions will appear on your screen and if you get a crash the output_log.txt file should be able to point me to the cause of the crash. I'll post in the 'Crashes' thread when this build is ready. As always, thanks for all the support. I hope you enjoy the patch.