Hey folks, Patch #13 is now ready for consumption. I do hope you enjoy it. [b]New Stuff[/b] [list] [*]Player character can now work at their own business the same way as a normal employee. The player character can work 24/7, however while working hunger and tiredness rates are increased. Moving the player will stop their work. [*]The player character can now haul their own carts. This works the same way as employees hauling carts. The player can haul carts 24/7, moving the player will stop the hauling. [*]Higher quality foods (Fish cakes, soup, etc) will fill your hunger meter better than normal foods (fruit, eggs, etc.) [*]You can now right click buildings in your building menu to make your character walk to said building. [*]Overview map is now higher and shows roads, town names, and population count. Can now be entered by scrolling out far enough and closed by scrolling in. [*]A new button in your building and cart inventories will restock the contents. [*]Potential spouses now have a criteria for accepting your proposal. Making it harder to marry rich people when you are dirt poor. [*]People who hate you (<= 5) will now refuse to talk to you, making it much harder to mend bridges. [*]If your spouse decides to divorce you they will now try to get back at you and will tell all their friends, who may also start hating you. [*]Key mapping. There is no conflict detection with the key mapping, so just be aware of that. [*]Workers will now quit if they don't like you. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Production events will now be less frequent the more buildings you own. [*]Rare events are now rarer. [*]Starting as a nomad will no longer give you expensive stuff. [*]Nearly every recipe and price has been changed for top-notch balancing. This means that when loading your saved games a few of your productions may be invalid. [*]You can now zoom out further. [*]Cart tracking view has been moved back a bit. [*]Business management AI has been improved and tweaked. [*]Many other improvements. [*]Added gold to Ashbury mine. [*]Travelling Merchant camps will now show up less frequently and is tied to your day length. [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Spelling corrections. [*]Notification corrections. [*]Characters should be less inclined to get stuck when talking. [*]Character portraits should now be less likely to overlap. [*]Spouse no longer takes a wage at all if they work for you, which means they won't quit if you go bankrupt. [*]No longer will markets double up when the player dies. [*]Consumption from bags and carts will now consume the item. [*]Cart send panel - market colours should now line up with building menu. [*]Fire spots will no longer accept items that are not firewood. [*]Carts will now properly display loads after returning from caravan trip. [*]Rebuilt houses should be accessible again. [*]Seagulls will no longer land on or fly around a destroyed fishing shack. [*]Trading posts will no longer give firewood to people. [*]Horses should now be better at going to grazing spots. [*]People's faces should now correctly show wrinkles based on their age. [/list] [b]Important[/b] If you have an older computer and are still using DirectX 9 then this patch will not work for you because DX 9 support has been removed. I'm not sure how likely it is that anyone was already succesfully playing the game on DX9, but if you do have an older machine that does not support DX11 and you were previously able to play SÆLIG, please do let me know. [b]MacOS[/b] I have also updated that MacOS build, and while it isn't listed on the store page, it should be perfectly playable on your Macs. However, I have not setup cloud sync for the saves made on Mac machines. [b]Saved Games[/b] Your previous saved games should work fine, however you may find on load that some of your productions have become invalid due to recipe changes. Some of the AI changes and general tweaks are best experienced when starting a new game however. Thanks for all the support! I'm working hard and I hope I'm doing a good job for you. Stardog.