Hello to you all, Patch 12 is now up and running. [b]New & Changes[/b] [list] [*]Minor UI changes. [*]Birds that fly in the sky. [*]Fireflies. [*]Certain foods will now make people warm. [*]Punching people can damage health and as such could potentially kill people. [*]Graphical tweaks - more green, less brown. [*]Production events frequency tweaked and will no longer be entered into the log book. [*]The player can now case buildings. [*]Nomadic start is now 800 gold. [*]Added a 1000 gold option for starting money. [*]If you start with less than 3000 gold your title will start as the lowest of the low and you will only be able to own 2 buildings. Obtain more than 3000 gold to advanced to the next title, and then 15000 to advance to the highest. [*]New starting mode - you can now start as a beggar with 12 gold and a small amount of food. This is hardcore mode. [*]Immunity and health levels are now better adjusted based on day length. [*]Removed a condition which means more people should now be available to hire. [*]Animals at the farm now require oats for food to produce their goods. [*]Barley Biscuit is now simply Biscuit and has a new recipe. [*]Further recipe adjustments. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Caravans will now return the correct amount of money. [*]Fixed a bug that caused productions not to continue properly. [*]Dogs will now alert guards at a greater range. [*]Fixed a bug that would stop time from progressing after a long time playing. [*]Fixed a bug where you could try to hire monks and guards and whatnot. [*]Fixed a bug where certain people would not be hired even tho they were in the list. [*]Fixed a but where a building would vanish after opting to not rebuild it. [*]Special items that cannot be traded should no longer turn up as loot. [/list] I have big plans for the next patch, so stay tuned. :) Cheers, Stardog.