Hi all, A new update for your enjoyment. Hopefully the next one is a major update. [b]New Stuff[/b] [list] [*]You can now proclaim your hate for someone which will drop relationship to 5. [*]If your spouse hates you enough they will move out and essentially divorce from you (the church is pretty chill about it). They will still be part of your family and parent to your children, but they will no longer be your spouse. [*]New option in in-game settings that allows you to change autosave to be daily, twice daily, or never. [*]New option in in-game settings allows you to turn off camera edge panning. [*]New buildings for the farms. These new buildings are some of the ones that are going to start replacing all the buildings. [*]All farm animals have been replaced with better models. [*]When listing your building as For Sale you can now opt to sell it directly back to the town for half the value. Less money but instant sale. [*]If someone really likes you (80+) they will appear in the Employ Workers list even if they already have a job. Basically, they will quit their current job to come work for you. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Spelling corrections. [*]Fixed selection points on lootable objects. [*]Fixed bug where you would move very slowly after being cured. [*]Fixed a bug that will make you stay cold once winter had ended. [*]Fixed a bug that would show a purple LOS type thing for monks. [*]Fixed a bug where people wouldn't die correctly. [*]Fixed a bug that could cause slow-down after loading a game and then there being a storm. [*]Fixed a bug where after losing your house in a fire and then repairing it your spouse and children would not re-home properly. [*]Possible fix for crashing when trying to exit the game. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]A lot of texture optimisation. [*]Production events are now scaled properly based on day length. [*]Changed it so that when you hit 0 money your workers do not quit until you miss their wage payment. [*]Tweaks to production times. [*]Bakehouse can now employ an additional worker. [*]You should now earn more from sending a caravan. [/list] Cheers, Stardog.