Hey all, Very sorry about the length of time between the last major update and this one. I've moved house and have had to use mobile data in place of real internet, which has set me back quite a bit. But anyhoo, here it is. [b]New Stuff[/b] [list] [*]The player can now transfer firewood into the town fires and light them. [*]New rodent based production events. [*]Cats to deal with rodents. [*]Ducks. [*]Families can now move into the map from elsewhere. [*]You can now load up a horse cart with goods and send it to another map to trade goods by clicking the caravan button when your horse cart has items in it. [*]New helper markers in the tutorial. [*]Added a dynamic scroll bar to the buildings dock for those with smaller screens. [*]You can now speed up the game to x8 by pressing + 4 times. [*]People can now refuse marriage or love making. [*]You can now pay off guards which will encourage them to go back to the bunkhouse and relax for a while. The pay off price is calculated based on their own personal corruption level, and their corruption level increases when you pay them off, thus reducing the pay off price. [*]You can now farm ducks. They produce small carcasses, which and then turned into small quantities of meat. [*]Added an in-game option to change the navigation quality of carts and characters. [*]You can now sleep near social spots and town fires. [*]You can now start as a nomad - no house, 1000 gold, a leather pack, and some trade goods. [*]Report crime that you see taking place. [*]I have started adding special objects around the maps that can be looted. This will be part of a much larger system later on. [*]Enter or return will instantly pause the game. [*]New ambient sounds. [*]Move the camera around by moving the mouse to the edge of the screen. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed bug with incorrectly named buildings. [*]Changed the selector popup for carts and production so that it will no longer go off screen. [*]Fixed a bug related to loading animals. [*]Fixed a bug where if you took of your coat it would give you an empty inventory item. [*]Fixed a bug which meant the AI would assign all their alehouse workers to entertain. [*]Fixed up some small issues with some building interiors. [*]Fixed bug that would prevent your cart from loading correctly (may still load wrong on the first load, but after saving and loading again it should be correct). [*]Fixed a bug that would cause the player to float around like a loon and not work correctly. [*]Fixed bug that meant the player would not eat or buy food if selected via interaction. [*]Fixed bald woman bug. [*]Fixed a bug that would cause the game not to load correctly and then also cause people to run on the spot and hover. [*]Fixed some production bugs. [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*]Added icons to show gender and marriage when you select a person. [*]Navigation optimisations. [*]Saving optimisations. [*]Coats and medicines are now more common. [*]Changes to immunity and buffs. [*]Notifications have been moved up. [*]The AI are now smarter at selling their businesses. [*]Less baby chance if either party is over 40. [*]Loading optimisations. [*]UI Tweaks. [*]Tweaks to needs and AI decisions. [*]New UI for the radial menu, I think it looks nicer. [*]People will now spread out more when foraging for food instead of all using the same coop. [*]Certain criminals are now more active at night. [/list] Some of the changes are best when a new game is started, but previous saved games should work too. Cheers, Stardog.