I'm working as hard as one person can to deliver you folks a version of the game that has a plethora of delights for you to enjoy, while being as stable as possible. As i'm sure you're all aware, SÆLIG is going to be in Early Access, which means it [i]is not[/i] complete. Don't get me wrong, this isn't one of those games that releases into EA with zero content, no UI, and no saving. But this also isn't one of those games that release into EA feature complete and damn near pristine. This is somewhere in the middle. Here are some things for you to consider before you buy: 1) There will be some shallow systems and incomplete implementations of features. 2) As I further improve on saving & loading speeds your saves could potentially become corrupt, or disappear between versions. If I know a new version will be an issue, I will warn you and change the file extension on saves, which will invalidate your current save games. I will however try to keep them as compatible as possible. In some rare cases they can also become corrupt all on there own, which is downright crappy, but over time it'll become more robust. 3) The maps may change substantially between versions 4) Due to constant balancing, you may find certain items suddenly become less valuable after an update. Sorry, but I have a lot of fine tuning to do with values. 5) Recipes are likely to change based on your feedback, which could invalidate some of your productions. 6) Optimisation is a constant battle and still in its infancy. You'll especially notice this on the big map with lots of people and buildings. In some cases even my development machine (R9 390, 1440p) dips down to 45 to 50fps on the large map with highest settings. You should find though that as long as it is above 30 it will play fine. It is a slow paced game after all. 7) You'll no doubt encounter odd bugs, some even could break your game, but if you report them, i'll fix them as quick as I can. If you think any of this doesn't appeal to you, then I recommend you perhaps wait until later, more refined, versions before buying. The most important thing to me is that you're happy with your purchase and that you feel you get your money's worth. And of course, I will be putting as much money back into the game as I can. Basically, I'm not going to take your money and go out and buy 8 Aston Martins and abandon you all. As always, thanks for your support! Stardog.