Note: This patch is pretty much just dedicated to medication. I forgot to add this stuff before the full release. I will have another patch out soon that will change the tier 4 spirit box's gimmick. Also forgot to change that before the full release. Changes: [list] [*] Medication tier 2 can now be used twice [*] Medication tier 3 can now be used three times [*] Medication tier 4 can now be used three times [*] Medication tier 4 speed boost changed from 50% to 20% [*] Medication tier 4 now has its own unique sound [*] Medication now have a UI element that tells you how many uses the medication has left [*] When using multiple different types of medication in a short time, the buff system will now favour what ever one was activated last instead of the highest level one. [/list] Bug Fixes: [list] [*] Lighters will no longer show a ghost version of the previously placed item when holding down the "place" button [*] Buff system has been remade, fixing some buff related bugs in the process [/list]