Note: There might be typos in these lists, because I did not check for typos. New: [list] [*] New location: 24 Winston Street [*] A tutorial is now accessible by opening the new single-player menu in the main menu [*] New contract progression has replaced the old one, with some locations being locked off until the player reaches a certain level, and better contracts to choose from [*] New achievement badges [*] New UI sounds [/list] Changes: [list] [*] In Invasion contracts, large goods use a percentage based spawning rule, similiar to what is used to determine how many hiding spots to block [*] There are now more large goods spawn points in each map [*] In Invasion contracts, the amount of small goods spawned is no longer determined by how many are required to complete the contract, but by how large the location is. [*] In Invasion contracts, if the perfect contract requirement is met, the Robbing Box will now close [*] There are now more values for Invasion specific contract rules, but the max difficulty value is still the same [*] Invasion preset contract values have changed slightly [*] There are new ghost rules specific to Invasion contracts that activate as you make progress towards the main objective. No, I'm not going to tell you them. [*] Invasion contracts now have the same odds of turning off the fuse box at the start of the contract [*] Some locations are now locked until the player reaches a certain level. Hovering over the location will reveal the required level [*] Improved contract selection system [*] The placement of most locations has changed [*] Scrolling will no longer move the Contract Menu's map up and down, and will instead zoom in and out [*] Phantoms and Mares have swapped evidences [*] Throw interactions have been improved [*] Twin interactions with generic household items will now always be possess interactions [*] Ghost pick up interaction improved [*] Goryos are now more aggressive in rooms with lights turned on [*] Goryos can now roam to rooms with lights that are turned off or broken [*] Goryos can no longer change its favourite room on contracts where room changing is disabled [*] Goryos will no longer turn off light switches when starting a ghost event [*] Goryos have a much higher chance of interacting with light switches that are turned off [*] Mares will now change its favourite room if it has a light turned on [*] Mares no longer randomly change their favourite room, only when the lights in it are turned on [*] Mares have a higher chance of interacting with light switches that are turned on [*] When a Mare goes to turn off the fuse box, it has a 50% chance of overloading it instead [*] Yureis now start extremely passive and actually can't hunt when you first enter the location, but over time become extremely aggressive [*] Yureis now reach max aggression using their ability after 10 minutes, instead of 7.5 minutes. [*] Ghosts with no aggression can no longer hunt or perform ghost events [*] Mylings now have quieter footsteps [*] Ghost's player detection range has been increased from 10 meters to 20 meters [*] Yokai's player detection range is now only 7.5 meters [*] Audio Ultimate has been improved [*] If a ghost touches a light switch during a ghos event, the ghost can now leave UV evidence [*] DOTS Projector light sources look better and make sure the ghost is green, even if the lights are turned on [*] Lighting Ultimate system improved [*] Door shadow casting improved [*] Case Panel now has an opening and closing sound [*] Badge rewards for achievements now have a text, that indicates that it is infact a badge [*] Custom contract editor property value buttons will now appear disabled while you can't edit them [*] Ghosts now play a sound during Approach and Charge events [*] The ghost now moves faster during Approach and Charge events [*] After completing a task, its status text will now be green [*] Task required progress and rewards are no longer stored in save data, lol [*] Hidden achievements are now also hidden in game, not just on Steam [*] Banshees and Phantoms can no longer stalk the player. This was an intended feature but I've temporarily disabled it due to some bugs [*] Cold breath visually improved [*] Ghosts are now twice as unlilkely to turn on the fuse box, unless the ghost is a Jinn [*] Ghosts now have a higher chance of performing ghost events [*] When a ghost ends a hunt, all light switches in the house will now silently turn off [*] Ghost photos can now be taken while the ghost is in silhouette, shadow, and apparition mode [*] Taking a photo of the ghost when it's in apparition mode now counts towards the ghost photo objective [*] The ghost becomes even more aggressive after searching through furniture in Invasion contracts [*] Light switches can no longer be turned off or on during a hunt [*] Headlamp sprite improved [/list] Bug Fixes: [list] [*] Thermometer is now spelt correctly in the Loadout Menu [*] DOTS Projector tier 2 description typos fixed [*] EMF Reader tier 3 description updated [*] EMF Reader tier 4 description typos fixed [*] Ghost Writing Book tier 2 description typos fixed and description updated [*] Spirit Box tier 2 description typos fixed [*] Spirit Box tier 4 description typos fixed and description updated [*] Thermometer tier 2 description typos fixed and description updated [*] Thermometer tier 3 description typos fixed [*] UV Light tier 4 description typos fixed [*] Video Camera tier 2 description updated [*] Video Camera tier 4 description updated [*] Crucifix tier 3 description updated [*] Crucifix tier 4 description updated [*] Firelight tier 2 description typos fixed [*] Firelight tier 3 description updated [*] Firelight tier 4 description updated [*] Lighter tier 2 description updated [*] Lighter tier 4 description updated [*] Incense tier 1 description updated [*] Incense tier 3 description typos fixed [*] Incense tier 4 description typos fixed [*] Motion Sensor tier 2 description updated [*] Motion Sensor tier 3 description typos fixed and description updated [*] Photo Camera tier 3 description typos fixed and description updated [*] Photo Camera tier 4 description updated [*] Sanity Medication tier 2 description typos fixed and description updated [*] Sanity Medication tier 3 description updated [*] Head Cam tier 2 description updated [*] Head Lamp tier 2 description typos fixed [*] Hustlers tier 1 description updated [*] Hustlers tier 2 description updated [*] Night Vision tier 1 description typos fixed [*] Night Vision tier 2 description typos fixed and description updated [*] Equipment descriptions now fit correctly in the loadout menu [*] Some Loadout menu texts were changed [*] Outfit menu will no longer bug out if you have too many outfits [*] Badges will no longer appear small in the badge editor [*] Clicking on a badge slot will no longer make a loud clicking sound [*] Random clicking sound no longer happens when loading back into the lobby after playing a custom contract [*] Twin interactions now work correctly [*] The twin ghost will no longer throw things across the entire house [*] Throw interaction will no longer throw items through walls in rooms with unique layouts [*] Light switches are no longer turned off during Red Light and Light Break events [*] Light switch states are now syned during Red Light and Light Break events [*] Toilets will no longer permanently offset the Activity Monitor's total activity reading [*] Lamps no longer permanently offset the Activity Monitor's total activity reading [*] The amount of time that UV evidence lasts for is now synced across the network [*] DOTS Projector tier 1 can now be heard properly between floors [*] EMF Reader tier 1 can now be heard properly between floors [*] EMF Reader tier 2 can now be heard properly between floors [*] EMF Reader tier 3 can now be heard properly between floors [*] EMF Reader tier 4 can be now heard properly between floors [*] Medication tier 1 now makes a sound when used [*] Craptonne will no longer crash in Multiplayer [*] Craptonne workshop lighting fixed [*] Ghost Stare events are no longer invisible [*] Ghost Charge events are no longer invisible [*] Ghosts are no longer invisible during Red Light events [*] Ghosts are no longer invisible during Light Break events [*] All players dying will no longer softlock players if they decide to go back to the lobby [*] Player equipment is now properly removed from their loadout when dying [*] Players no longer earn P-Money from a contract if they die [*] Computers are now synced across the network [*] Electronic interference caused by the ghost is now synced across the network [*] The TV static sound is probably fixed. Probably. [*] Salt daily task now works properly [*] UV footprint daily task now works properly [*] Ghosts will now go down stairs correctly [*] When a player dies, the game will now remove their equipment from the loadout instead of always removing the host's equipment from the loadout [*] After saving a player from dying, their equipment will no longer be removed from the loadout [*] Dying in Singleplayer will now correctly remove your equipment [*] The ghost now plays a ghost event sound when successfully contacting a player during Approach, Charge, and Aparation events [*] Photos will no longer be blacked out if the player is not in the same room as the player who took the photo [*] Player name tags and speaking icons no longer appear in photos [*] Secondary equipment can now be purchased properly [*] When picking up an active electronic, in most cases it will be automatically turned off, but due to a sequence issue it would still register that it was active, and would lead the ghost straight to you during a hunt. This no longer happens [*] When holstering an active electronic, the game will no longer think you are still holding an active electronic, unless of course you switch to an active electronic that was holstered, like a photo camera [*] When placing an active electronic, the game will no longer think you are still holding an active electronic [*] Fixed a rare bug where if the ghost started a hunt on top of the player, the player wouldn't be able to die [*] Lighters can no longer be blown out when turned off [/list]