Version 0.7.1 Patch 5
Author: TheAJ,
published 2 months ago,
Bug Fixes:
[*] When a player dies, the other players no longer gets sent to the post game screen
[*] Spectator UI now works as intended
[*] Benjamin Circuit blue bedroom lighting is fixed
[*] Ghost Journal information now fits properly in their page
[*] In multiplayer, equipment now gets returned to the player once they leave the game
[*] In multiplayer, equipment that was not added to the loadout by the host no longer disappears when returning to the lobby
[*] Dead bodies will no longer writhe in pain after dying on every player's screen but the player who actually died. No more wriggling
[*] Dead bodies no longer have name tags
[*] Craptonne farmhouse no longer has the Edgingfield location description, but instead has a temporary placeholder
[*] Wardrobes with no light switches will now drain the player's sanity if they hide in them
[*] Salty Activity daily task now works
[*] Podiatry daily task now works
[*] Benjamin Circuit outside light improved
[*] Equipment from your Single-player loadout is removed from your loadout and returned to your inventory when joining a multiplayer game. When going back to Single-player, any equipment you kept from the Multiplayer session will be returned back to your Sinle-player loadout
[*] Player death smoke no longer takes as much space and doesn't last as long
[*] The base sanity drain has been changed from occurring every 5 seconds and draining by 2, to occurring every 2 seconds and draining by 1
[*] The Multiplayer influence for sanity drain has been changed from having a maximum speed increase 400%, to having a maximum speed increase of 200%
[*] Ghost Writing Books below tier 4 now have slightly higher interaction rates