Version 0.7.1 Patch 1
Author: TheAJ,
published 2 months ago,
Bug Fixes:
[*] Ghost line of sight now works properly, or it works enough to be able to kill the player
[*] Benjamin Circuit hiding spots are now to all automatically blocked
[*] To avoid future problems, hiding spot blockers get auto disabled before getting activated
[*] Some Benjamin hiding spot blockers are fixed so that the player can't se the hiding spot while the blocker is active. There were only a few hiding spots were this applied
[*] Binding necklace is removed from entrance of Benjamin Circuit
[*] Doorways in Benjamin Circuit are now fixed so they are no longer vertical
[*] Dominion Avenue house lights are no longer disabled
[*] To avoid future mistakes, there is now a script that makes sure that light source holders are always active
[*] Pillow Street Garage room triggers are now fixed
[*] Network Prefabs that were previously missing, are now added to the network prefabs ScrO
[*] Activity Monitor starting state is now correct. It didn't have a Network Object component yet never logged any errors?
[*] Fixed name tag bug where client (not host) would see their own name on other people's name tags
[*] Fixed bug where clients could not remove equipment that they added unless the host either aaded a piece of equipment or selected the equipment the client wanted to remove
[*] Can no longer swap equipment for a tier that the player does not have unlocked
[*] Ghost kill animation is fixed
[*] Player death particles improved so that player shouldn't see
[*] Video cameras can not be picked up again after already holding it
[*] UV Glowstick can not be picked up again after already holding it