Bug Fixes: [list] [*] Ghost ball event is no longer invisible. [*] DOTS tier 4 is now synced on client's end [*] Craptonne's map render now displays the correct layout (used to display old layout) [*] Microphone detection improved [*] Ghost journal discovery text is now correct. If you encountered a ghost once, it would say "Discovered 1 times" [*] Ghost journal cursed equipment text is no longer cut off at the bottom [*] Photo cameras are now synced across the network [*] Taking photos is now synced between clients (potentially) [*] Cameras can no longer be rotated while in the map surveillance menu [*] Cameras can no longer be moved while in the map surveillance menu [*] Hunt scream should sync correctly now [*] Video camera surveillance now works properly with Audio Ultimate (surveillance monitor audio improved) [*] Video Camera tier 4 now plays movement sound [*] Video Camera sounds now stop and start correctly [*] Video Camera swivel and movement is now synced across the network [*] Turning fullscreen off or on via alt-enter now saves the fullscreen preference [*] Ghost has higher odds of toggling fuse box in Invasion contracts [/list]