Morning, operators - some news. Building a game solo means that sometimes things slip through the cracks. I rely on users to report issues when they arise, which means it can take a while for me to notice when something's not working. This week I realised that the damage model for OVRLRD was completely broken. This update includes some critical fixes for that, which will basically fix all combat to be fun instead of frustrating. [b]tl;dr: If you've tried OVRLRD before and found you were constantly dying and it wasn't fun, then now is a great time to try again! Skip down to the changelog for details.[/b] [i]In essence, explosions in OVRLRD deal damage to surrounding things in a radius. If a mech is caught in an explosion, parts that are closer to the explosion's core will receive more damage than parts that are further away. Parts can also be shielded from the explosion if other parts are in the way. For example, if a missile explodes to your left, it may knock out your left leg but only lightly damage your right leg. If a critical part - like your torso - is caught in the explosion, then damage will also be applied to the mech's core. If this core value reaches zero, your mech will destabilise and explode. The bug was miscalculating this damage and instantly setting the core value to a much lower point than intended. This meant that if any critical part received even 1 unit of damage, your mech was likely to go critical immediately. Additionally, the damage display MFD feed was not interpreting this data correctly, causing further confusion.[/i] These bugs are fixed now. Combat feels very different - it's still a high-lethality prospect, but you have more of a chance to protect yourself. Fighting enemy mechs also feels different - you are now properly rewarded for precision strikes, and it's easier to disable them without destroying them. I also fixed a bug that was preventing you from blasting weapons off enemy mechs, so you can now do that too. [b]CUSTOM AND BUILT-IN VOICE PACKS[/b] [i]Woo! Take that ya bloody fruit shop-owner![/i] My loving homage to a certain [strike]Australian[/strike] Kiwi marksman was getting a bit grating. With the help of some volunteers, I've added over 800 new voice lines to the game. This is partially for fun, but also makes it much easier to tell what your squad is doing and where. You can add your own custom voice lines by dropping a folder of appropriately-named .ogg files into [b]OVRLRD\OVRLRD_Data\StreamingAssets\barks\[/b]. Check the existing folders in that directory for examples of appropriate filenames. Voices are selected at random and you're currently more likely to hear custom voices in Battlefield skirmish mode. This feature is unsupported and just for fun at the moment! It will have proper Workshop support at a later time. [b]CHANGELOG[/b] [list] [*]Fixed two issues (details below) which meant explosions would almost insta-kill any mech. [*]Fixed an issue where the mech damage display would always list either fully OK or fully critical for all parts. [*]Fixed an issue where explosions would register part damage incorrectly. [*]Added railgun (for fun - may not work well just yet). [*]Broke the map preview on the skirmish screen (sorry! Will fix soon). [*]Improved reporting on post-mortem screen. [*]Fixed a bug to do with the drone display not working right. [*]Added 800 new voice lines, added toggle to disable combat barks. [*]Added pulsing light to cockpit to help you find your way in the dark. [*]Fixed some issues with tree generation in skirmish. [*]Fixed weapons and legs not being blown off properly. [/list] If you run into bugs, or you have an idea for how OVRLRD could be better, join the [url=]discord[/url]! We have forums for reporting bugs and making suggestions, as well as discussion areas where operator can share piloting tips, squad strategies and just hang out talking about big robots. That's all for now, operators. Enjoy the update, and tell your friends and favourite streamers about OVRLRD!