[h2]CHANGES[/h2] [list] [*] Added a default loadout to the hangar so that first-time players are less likely to deploy with no weapons equipped. (This will soon lead to saveable loadout presets.) [*] Changed the bootup flow so that emergency lighting is enabled by default, and throwing the main battery breaker lever automatically switches to normal lighting. (No more mysteriously red cockpits!) [*] The weapons screen will now notify you if you have no weapons equipped. [*] Made text label on 'IGNITION' button brighter to avoid first-time players missing it. [*] Added animations and UI audio feedback in hangar scene. [*] Swapped physical 'LAUNCH' button for a UI button in the hangar - temporary measure to prevent people accidentally launching into a mission, unarmed, while trying to recalibrate their playspace. [/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the 50mm AC would only inflict AOE damage but no direct-hit damage. [*] Fixed an issue where firing a flare could cause minor instability. [/list] [h2]KNOWN ISSUES (Working on it!)[/h2] [list] [*] Knuckles controllers can only pinch-grip controls when the hand is otherwise fully open (high priority - fix on the way!) [*] Vive wands do not have good button mapping and may struggle to control weapon cameras and switch weapons (high priority - fix on the way!) [*] Grouped weapons must all be aimed independently (this will change soon) [*] Resupply helicopters will sometimes drop crates just out of reach of immobilised mechs, to taunt them [*] If you die, the post-death spectator mode places your hands slightly too far away from your IRL wrists. [*] Legibility of clipboard briefings may be poor on some systems. [/list]