Welcome back OVRLRD operators! Work continues apace on building the definitive VR mech simulator. I've got some new stuff, some fixes, and a trailer for ya. [previewyoutube=OfdilpxjdIY;full][/previewyoutube] As always, scroll down for the full patch notes, but here's the important bits: [list] [*]Vive wands should now work properly! Previously they failed to track. This is embarrassing but it's fixed now. [*]New 'Starling' interceptor mech with high-performance locomotor. [*]Support for human-scaled NPCs! Watch your step, and keep an ear out for RPGs. [*]Significantly improved terrain and sky visuals. [/list] [h1]ULC STARLING[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43035846/bf0ea61912fa9edbe33cf2d9a344c79d49fe21df.jpg[/img] The ULC STARLING is a lightly-armored, high-speed interceptor platform. With only two module hardpoints and limited survivability, you'll need to take full advantage of its blistering top speeds to stay alive. Push the throttle to 90% to be the fastest thing on the battlefield, and push it to 100% to evade missiles, shells and target acquisition. The STARLING is best deployed with laser weaponry and a radar module - track your opponents from afar and burn them alive without ever letting them land a shot. Watch yourself though - the STARLING has a jutting, exposed cockpit for improved visibility. It is vulnerable to killshots from the front and sides, so make good use of your mobility and flexibility to stay moving. Beware the vertical-first gimbal configuration, allowing for greater tracking of air units, but disorienting for inexperienced pilots. One more thing - the STARLING is a prototype and its design may change in further iterations. [url=https://discord.gg/invite/geTFDs4wYD]Inform your local Maulkin Rep[/url] if you have any feedback. [h1]PUNY HUMANS[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43035846/c53fe122b46327c70aef46b2722aca104530a8af.png[/img] Humans have arrived on the OVRLRD battlefield - watch your step! they can easily be crushed underfoot or dispatched from a distance with explosive weaponry. Beware though, if they think they can damage you they'll open fire with small arms and RPGs. Proceed with caution. That's all for now! I'm busy building out the first episode of the OVRLRD campaign which will drop on release, along with some other surprises. Have fun, operators, and don't forget to drop into the discord with your feedback. Help me make OVRLRD the definitive VR mech simulator. --- If you run into bugs, or you have an idea for how OVRLRD could be better, join the [url=https://discord.gg/invite/geTFDs4wYD]discord[/url]! We have forums for reporting bugs and making suggestions, as well as discussion areas where operator can share piloting tips, squad strategies and just hang out talking about big robots. Thanks again for all your support, and for giving OVRLRD a go! Full changelog follows: [h1]CHANGELOG 4 JUNE 2024[/h1] [h2]ADDITIONS[/h2] [list] [*] Added humans! OVRLRD now supports human-scaled NPCs. Infantry and civilians can be stomped and will flee or fight. [*] Added ULC-Starling interception platform! The Starling is a light, fast mech with a non-standard gimbal setup. [/list] [h2]CHANGES[/h2] [list] [*] Improved helicopter AI, add strafing and terrain pop-up behaviours [*] Significantly improved terrain visuals [*] Improved tree billboard rendering (some trees may still appear weirdly bright at a distance, investigating) [*] Improved sky rendering, add clouds [*] Improved thermal camera rendering effect [*] Improved cockpit lighting [*] Replaced ugly chair in cockpit [/list] [h2]FIXES[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Vive wands were failing to track [*] Fixed issues with explosions not correctly getting blocked by damageable parts [*] Fixed audio not muting on loading screen, fix railgun not available, fix broken skirmish map display [*] Fixed explosions failing to damage things after a few pooling resurrections [*] Fixed helicopters slowing down when approaching targets [*] Fixed mechs firing constantly if weapon changes [*] Fixed an issue where KILLDART railgun was not available to equip [*] Fixed an issue where hangar loadouts would behave strangely when swapping mechs (this system needs more improvement) [/list] [h2]KNOWN ISSUES (Working on it!)[/h2] [list] [*] Sometimes, very rarely, the shaders will be completely broken on startup, with invisible terrain. [*] Restarting the game fixes this. [*] Having a gamepad plugged in may suppress VR controller input. Unplug your gamepad if you get stuck in the menus! [*] Knuckles controllers can only pinch-grip controls when the hand is otherwise fully open. [*] Grouped weapons must all be aimed independently before activating group-fire. [*] Vive controllers may not allow you to change weapons. [*] Resupply helicopters will sometimes drop crates just out of reach of immobilised mechs, to taunt them [*] If you die, the post-death spectator mode places your hands slightly too far away from your IRL wrists. [/list] That's all for now, operators. Enjoy the update, and tell your friends and favourite streamers about OVRLRD!