Here's the highlights from recent updates! [h2]Chickens[/h2] We've added chickens to Monster Crawl. Why? Why not?? Find the new 'chicken potion' to turn nearby monsters into chickens, or stumble across them naturally in the dungeons. Chickens are harmless, but have a number of interactions we won't spoil here.. [img][/img] [h2]RELIC - Throwing Axe[/h2] Launch a large, slow moving axe that bounces around, damaging anything it hits. Ideal for room clearance or bouncing down tight corridors. [h2]RELIC - Pets Attack[/h2] Grab this new relic and any pets you may have will mimic your LIGHT attack, using cute, mini weapons. These attacks deal 50% of your damage, so a handy addition! [img][/img] [h2]RELIC - Fire Elemental Arm[/h2] Create a wall of flame using this handy arm! But be careful, fire burns Heroes to. We've unlocked all new Relics for the duration of demo, so give them a try! [img][/img] [h2]MONSTERS[/h2] Rats have had a makeover, and we've added the first 'Tier 2' variants for rats and skeletons. These become more common as you descend the depths, and are tougher and more dangerous. All monsters will receive tier 2 variants, followed by tier 3. [img][/img] [h1]Fixes & Tweaks[/h1] Numerous bugs have been fixed and a sprinkling of polish added. Noteworthy additions: [list] [*]More Ability Mods have been added [*]Warrior has a fresh new look [*]You can now hold down the LIGHT attack button to continuously attack [*]Generators can now burn [*]'Exit' placeholder replaced with animated effect [/list]