It's been just over a month since the demo launched and I've been beavering away in that time improving the game based on what you've been saying. To see the broad strokes, [url=]click here to see the main changes to this update.[/url] Here's the full list in the detailed bullet point format [h3]GAME UPDATES[/h3] [list] [*] -Each Critter adds no skill cards to the deck [*] -Winning a Wild Critter fight gives both the Critter and a Skill Card (a skill card that wouldve been attached to them) [*] -NPCs now offer more cards for swapping [*] -NPCs now have at least 1 skill card of each type so they'll always have something you may want [*] -NPCs will always offer a common/uncommon of each type with a chance of an additional rare [*] -The Battle deck now requires you to add 6 skill cards for each Critter you add (1=6 deck cards total/ 2=12 deck cards total/ 3=18 deck cards total) [*] -Stickers are now given their own slots starting at 8 stickers and reducing based upon the rarity of critters you're using [*] -The player now starts with 3 copies of each energy and attack card. Assuming 2 is the most a player would usually need, this frees up more swapping fodder [*] -The Enerttack Pak has been added to Booster Machines which contain energy cards and the basic attack cards [*] -With the addition of the Enerttack Pak, energy and basic attack cards have been removed from the regular booster pack [*] -Uncommon cards are now worth 2 (Swap Value/Money), Rare cards are now worth 6 (Swap Value/Money) [*] -Heal, Burn, Poison, Shock, Soak are now affected by the Critters Defence [*] -Except on common cards where it remains a static value [*] -Status effects based on turns like power/defence up/down, taunt, stun/dodge/immunity etc are unaffected [*] -The aim of this is to make defensive Critters more useful in battle as they become more proficient at healing and using status effects [*] -Power and Defence changes are now on a sliding scale of -3 to +3 and all those buffs/debuffs last 3 turns [*] -Instead of the length of power/defence up/down, the cards now change in intensity [*] -Cards from your hand update their text when hovering them over a Critter to show how much damage or status effect will be done [*] -Cards that the enemy will use will always show these updated numbers [*] -Burn damage no longer spreads on reaching 5 burn [*] -Reduced Soak damage from 2 to 1 [*] -Additional description of Stickers on the Stickers page of the battle deck [*] -Removed the Swap buttons on the overworld. Pointless [*] -The wild Critters you find are now properly based on the progress through act. No more wild Rares in act 1. [*] -The Trainers will now use their battle team from the next act if you're using more Critters than they are to bump up the challenge. [*] -The starter deck now has an additional skill card that generates energy+does an effect in it. [*] -Each element type now only has 2 weaknesses to make it easier to counterpick trainers [*] -Opponents now have a certain type of card they want and your swap value will be boosted if you offer those to them [*] -Dina's ability now works. She gains +1 Swap value on every card swapped. Wow! [*] -Enemies now use more skill cards in Act 2 and 3 so the game should be a bit tougher [*] -Having a critter get defeated now removes all skill cards of its element from the battle (if its the only one left of that type) [*] -This can lead to a very specific situation where all skill cards are removed, and the player just loses in this scenario [*] -Losing a battle now only takes 1 critter card and a life from you instead of all critters. [*] -The binder contents buttons now skip to the first card you own from that category (if you own a card in that category) [*] -The battle deck can now be viewed and edited whilst swapping [*] -There are now 10 sticker slots. Commons reduce it by 1, uncommon by 2, rares by 3. Players using 1 or 2 Critters should get more Stickers, right? [*] -Spot effects now stack [*] -The battle deck now orders the cards based on elements [*] -Buttons now have text on them for clarity [/list] [h3]CRITTER UPDATES[/h3] [list] [*] -Striqual HP reduced from 40 to 30. Ability changed from On hit:+1 Power to On Attack: +1 Power [*] -Zappen ability changed from 2 to 1 dodge in line with dodge having a 1 stack max [*] -Hangolin reduced from 3 Thorns to 2 Thorns [*] -Aguatto is now 5 Pow 1 Def from 4 Pow 2 Def [*] -Aguatto starts with Moat instead of Water Shield [*] -Alerte gains 4 Taunt on Battle Start [*] -Alertle now has 34HP, 2 Power, 2 Defence [*] -Fledgee now gains 1 Status Immunity every 3 Turns [*] -Fledgee now has 32HP, 3 Power, 2 Defence [*] -Kinecoo changed to 38HP, 6 Pow, 0 Def and a new ability to get 1 Status Immunity every turn [/list] [h3]SKILL UPDATES[/h3] [list] [*] -Made sure cards only gave 1 stun/dodge/status immunity [*] -Tsunami and Mind Blast have had their damage lowered as theyre AoE skills [*] -Thunderstorm damage reduced to 5, one neutral energy added to energy cost [*] -Meteor has had damage lowered as its also AoE but now also gives 1 Burn to all enemies [*] -Terra Attack now correctly set to Power + 4 Damage (was +3) [*] -Stunning Zap now does Power +0 damage to all enemies in addition to stunning all enemies and now costs 4 energy [*] -Taunt reduced from 3 turns of Taunt to 2 [*] -Soak Spot Soak each turn reduced from 2 to 1 [*] -Power Up Whack reduced from 2 Power Up to 1 [*] -Drench reduced from 2 Defence Down to 1 [*] -Burn Up reduced from 2 Power Up to 1 [*] -Heal Spot reduced from 5HP per turn to 3HP [*] -Big Hit energy increased from 3 to 4 [*] -Wildfire energy cost increased from 2 to 3 [*] -Reverted the change to the basic attacks damage. All of those are +1 damage [*] -Moat changed from Allies to All Allies, Heal reduced to Def+1 [*] -Healing Drink now heals All Allies and for 2HP instead of 3HP [*] -Rescue now affects All Allies [*] -Take Root now deals Poison and Shock to all enemies for nature/volt/any/any energy [/list] [h3]BUG FIXES[/h3] [list] [*] -Fixed a bug where the top card of the swap pile would be replaced with the equipped skill card [*] -You can no longer swap with characters who dont have any cards left to swap [*] -Fixed cards where the attack was listed second not working properly [*] -Fixed cards that hit twice (barrage/geode smash) not working properly [*] -Aqua Attack is properly increased by power [*] -Heat Rash properly applies damage based on power and burn based on defence [*] -Fixed swapped hand cards having a deep sfx and the swap sfx being really deep on them [*] -Fixed power and defence changes not wearing off properly [*] -Fixed the Battle UI elements flying away if the button was spammed making them shake around [/list]