It's been quite the busy week, right? The coverage embargo for Isle of Swaps ended on September 19th, so that's why there's been lots of videos since then. Thanks to all the new people who have discovered, followed and wishlisted the game! Another cheeky benefit is that watching other people play reveals lots of issues for the game that need to be fixed so here's a big list of all the changes I've done. Thankfully there hasn't been a lot of bugs and most of them were issues that weren't even spotted. If you've played the full game already, this is an update since then (v1.032>v1.034) and if you've only played the demo then this is a huge update as the demo was last updated in June! [h2]Card changes[/h2] [list] [*]Hangolin ability changed to gain 1 thorns on energy gain [*]Lepivice stats lowered [*]Shampoise changed from 6 pow 2 def to 7 pow 1 def [*]Trilodril Thorns on hit increased from 4 to 5 [*]Solol ability changed from burning attacker to burning all enemies [*]Obaraboil ability changed to Gaining Energy: All enemies gain 2 burn [*]Ursignal shock on hit increased from 1 to 3 shock [*]Effluvark ability changed to On Hit: Attacker gain 2 burn [*]Thorny Vines increased to 2 energy. Power increased from Thorns to Thorns +2. Now consumes half your thorns on use. [*]Blossom Dance reduced from Defence+2 Heal to Defence Heal [*]Gift of Thorns and Balance changed to require 1 neutral energy [*]Dodge Spot and Immunity spot changed to be every turn but now cost 3 energy [*]Bramble Patch reduced from a 2 thorn spot to 1 thorn spot [*]Kaboom changed to inflict 5 burn to opposite for 1 energy [*]Wild Fire damage reduced from 4 to 3 [*]Meteor changed to inflicting true damage to everyone, inflicting burn removed [*]Drought energy cost reduced from 3 to 2 [*]Short circuit reduced from def+3 shock to def shock [*]Shock puddles increased from a 1 shock spot to 2 shock spot [*]Bob and Weave damage increased from 6 to 8 [*]Ground changed to stun on 3+ shock to 6+ shock [*]Overgrowth damage reduced from 8 to 6 [*]Grabby Hand changed from +1 card plays, [*]2 critter power to +1 card plays, [*]2 card draws each turn [*]Large Sword reduced from 3 power to 2 power to be in line with large shield [*]Drill reduced from 3 pierce to 2 pierce [*]Volcano reduced from 5 damage to 3 [/list] [h2]Game Changes[/h2] [list] [*]Dotty's ability now doubles the 1st card of her turn instead of the 3rd [*]Enemies now move at the end of their turn instead of at the start [*]Increased Enemy HP slighty. From 1 to 2 per level and 3 to 4 if its their level up bonus [*]Reduced the number of common energy cards enemies will take into battle from 3 to 1 [*]Buffed the bosses battle teams. Each will now have 3 critters in act 1 (but a reduced enemy level) and most act 2s now have evolved critters [*]Trainers in Randomisers will now have an equal number of critters to what they'd usually have [*]There's an increased chance of running into Special Characters you don't have the achievement for yet. [*]Completing a standard challenge run unlocks Nuzlocke, completing Nuzlocke unlocks randomiser [*]Championships round 2 and 3 should now be a bit tougher as enemies will be level 7 and 8 respectively [/list] Bug Fixes [list] [*]Marshall's SP will now reflect how much SP he actually has instead of 35 [*]Hybrid Critters now correctly display they have [*]6 resistances [*]Fixed the Energetic x cards not consuming energy [*]Fixed Perk Up not working properly [*]Fixed Kinecoo Hybrid having a broken card [*]Fixed a critter's power/defence value not changing if the power/defence change was removed by Reset [*]Fixed Rainbow activating every turn [*]Unmastered packs cant be gotten in nuzlocke/rando nuzlocke anymore as a very specific instance crashes the game [*]Losing Critters vs the Act 3 Boss will no longer take away lives. Its frustrating to win a run but then lose on a technicality [*]Fixed Team Rockoon running off and not swapping if you beat them but lose a critter in a nuzlocke run [*]Fixed the explosion SFX of Team Rockoon not following the set sfx volume [*]Fixed Imakooky's Randomander so that its new stats adhere to any power/defence changes it has [*]Fixed Imakooky's Randomander to keep the same percentage of health when it changes stats every turn [*]Fixed nuzlocke not removing unusuable cards when a critter faints in battle [*]Fixed randomiser removing skill cards when a critter faints in battle (As anyone can use them) [*]Maybe fixed the options menu breaking when you mash Escape [*]Fixed the damage numbers in battle not being over the critters in wide screen resolutions [*]Improved how the binder looks in widescreen and more square resolutions [*]The binder wasn't showing the quantities of your cards [*] battle deck cards if you swapped without opening the battle deck first. Fixed. [*]Fixed the master binder filter not working [/list] And just a reminder that its only a few days left until Isle of Swaps releases on the 27th September! So wishlist and be ready for the launch.