[h3][i]Fixed the mod bug! Also: I'll need to focus on some other life responsibilites from now until 8 July - pushed hard to get a bunch of important fixes and such out before I needed to do so.[/i][/h3] [h3][b]🆕 CONTENT[/b][/h3] 8 new cosmetics (and the next 8 will be the final batch, which means you'll be able to unlock that center cosmetic soon!) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44933391/65b591ff5978689a23c278e3ae2d4d61da75ccf4.png[/img] [h3][b]⚖ BALANCE[/b][/h3][list] [*]Let's face it, [b]Sticky[/b] is insanely strong. Sticky will now last 4s instead of 5s, and the mod that increases Sticky Duration will follow suit. This will also mean that AATT Homing Mine Launcher and ACTT Anti-Air Torpedo weapons last roughly 80% as long as they used to. [*][b](perk) Radar:[/b] The Murky Fog mutation makes it so that microbes take a long time for their brightness to build up to full. Radar prevents this, but otherwise had no effect on Murky Fog itself, which meant that it still covered microbes just as much. Now, Radar will cut Murky Fog's opacity in half. [*][b](weapon) AAG Flamethrower, AACG Frostthrower, AAAG Plasmathrower:[/b] I noticed an error in how I was calculating their DPS. Their DPS, respectively, is now: 41/s→39/s, 46/s→45/s, 52/s→48/s. [*][b](microbe) ACC Warpistol, ACCC Telepanzer:[/b] These two make the "microbes charge straight towards you" mutation (especially in Brood Mode) significantly more difficult, so I've decided upon a way to balance them that I think is justified: Their Microbe Speed will get reduced by 87.5% once they're within 50% Range of your turret. I think this makes sense considering they're supposed to be [i]warping in[/i] first, [i]then[/i] (if they can) they start actually moving normally. [/list] [h3][b]🔄 CHANGES[/b][/h3][list] [*]The text that appears when selecting an item to Banish now specifies that it won't reduce the chance that an item of the same [i]type[/i] appears (ex. Banishing a weapon mod doesn't result in fewer weapon mods appearing in the SHOP), and that it Banishes all colours of a mod if you Banish a mod. [/list] [h3][b]🔨 FIXES[/b][/h3][list] [*][b](I [i]think[/i] this is solved - at least, I found one way to reproduce it)[/b] The bug that would sometimes prevent you from adding a fully-compatible mod to an open slot has been fixed. [*]Perk names that appear when hovering over perks during gameplay will now be properly aligned with the perks while playing Shmup Mode. [*]Hovering over the name of the [i]first[/i] weapon during a run now shows the stats, just like hovering over other mounted weapon's names. [*][b]Hitscan Weapons:[/b] Remember when I increased the Range of all Hitscan weapons? Yeaaah… Their hitboxes [i]never actually got longer to coincide with that[/i]. Fixed. [*]The before→after values for Biomass when selecting a slot to place an item into would sometimes be inaccurate (they would occasionally reflect the cost of opening that slot instead, even though the slot is already open and you're not trying to open the slot). [*]The before→after values for Biomass won't change while hovering over items in the shop to select one to Banish. [*]The lock buttons are now hidden while you have a shop item selected and are selecting a slot to place it in. [/list]