[h3][i]This will likely be the last update before [b]2.0.0[/b], which will introduce a [b]brand new mode[/b] that turns the game into a full-fledged vertical shoot 'em up! That will likely be ready some time between 21 - 23 May, and will contain even more new turrets and perks 🧬🧬🧬 shortly after that, I plan on implementing [b]cloud saves[/b].[/i][/h3] [h3][b]NEW CONTENT:[/b][/h3] [list] [*]7 new background pattern options for menus and during gameplay! (9 → 16) [/list] [h3][b]BALANCE:[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Across all modes & depths, Microbe Health -3% & Microbe Speed -3%. [*][b](turret) Crane:[/b] Cooling Delay 2.5s → 2s. [*][b](perk) Pacemaker:[/b] Health per wave survived without taking a hit +2 → +4. [*][b](mutation) microbes are completely insane:[/b] another tiny nerf to how insane they become. [/list] [h3][b]CHANGES:[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Purple elimination splats look a bit nicer, and are more noticable. [*]Some microbes are supposed to latch onto you on contact - it will be more clear that this is what occurred now, and more microbes are capable of doing this. [/list] [h3][b]FIXES:[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Child projectiles that spawn from projectiles you fire would sometimes appear at the beginning of a wave, but not anymore. [*]Balloon will now trigger in more scenarios that you expect it to trigger. [*]Adding Bounce or Pierce to weapons with Split will let the un-split shot deal damage (as it always should have). [*]Fixed some big framerate issues that would occur with many Bounce projectiles. [*]Now much less likely for 2 targets to be "Stamped" or "Marked" (which was never intended). [/list]