[h3][i]Here come the first turret & perk additions (and there's lots more to come, [b]including new game modes[/b])! Not sure how I'll deliver content additions in the future, but for now, have some new turrets & perks to tide you over. Don't forget, you still need to meet their unlock conditions before you can use them - you can see their unlock conditions in the CHECKLIST menu.[/i][/h3] [h3][b]NEW CONTENT:[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b](Turret) Commander:[/b] All projectiles fired seek towards your crosshair, so you can manually guide them into microbes! [*][b](Turret) Maw:[/b] A giant, monstrous turret(?) that eats microbes to gain Health! (try pairing Maw with the [i]Magnet[/i] perk!) [*][b](Perk) Mushroom:[/b] Overheating eliminates [i]all[/i] microbes (can be used once per wave). [*][b](Perk) Tweezers:[/b] Accuracy +60%, but there's a 10% chance that you lose 1 Health every time a projectile dissappears before it could hit a microbe. [*]b](Perk) Cherry:[/b] +50% chance for +1 Health per elimination with a Critical Hit, but Critical Damage is reduced by 50%. There's some [i]crazy[/i] healing potential with this oneā€¦ [/list] [h3][b]BALANCE:[/b][/h3] [list] [*][b](mutation) microbes are completely insane:[/b] Now a bit less insane (microbes won't move quite as fast). [/list] [h3][b]CHANGES:[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Checklist, Turret & Perk menus have been expanded to show empty placeholders for future content - as new game modes / turrets / perks are added to the game, they will appear in those spots (after you meet their unlock conditions, that is). [b](NOTE: these menus will look busier now, but I felt that having all icons on-screen at once would still offer a better play experience than if I were to, for example, separate them onto different pages.)[/b] [*]Barrel Light "Cone" would practically dissappear if Accuracy was too good, but not anymore. [/list] [h3][b]FIXES:[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Fixed some cases where, when Range was reduced by more than 50%, it would apply an extra steep Range reduction. [*]The Radar perk will now properly reveal invisible microbes (they were appearing totally black previously). [/list]