Changelog for versions 1.1.60 and 1.1.61 [h1][b]Changes[/b][/h1] [list] [*]The game no longer requires re-entering server passwords when restarting to sync mods or mod settings. [*]When joining modded games mods and settings are synced at the same time reducing the number of restarts needed. [/list] [h1][b]Optimizations[/b][/h1] [list] [*]Improved game startup time when using mods. [/list] [h1][b]Bugfixes[/b][/h1] [list] [*]Fixed that item requests didn't subtract items picked up from ground when reviving ghosts. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed burner inserter would not fuel itself when drop target was full. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed that inserters would report status other than "Waiting for space in destination" in certain cases. (, [*]Fixed that Lua collision mask util didn't check for tile prototypes. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed that map pings would always round up the pinged location. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed that replays would always say mods didn't match. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed that canceling syncing mods with a save would exit the GUI. [*]Fixed that canceling syncing mods with a save through escape would leave the partially downloaded mods. [*]Fixed that the circular dependency error doesn't list all mods. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed a deadlock on loss of ConnectionAcceptOrDeny message. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed a desync when fast-replacing burner generators. [*]Fixed server getting stuck at "Saving the map for player" for 20 seconds sometimes if a client disconnects shortly after connecting. [*]Fixed server getting stuck at "Saving the map for player" forever in some rare situations. [*]Fixed highlight box on curved-rail would not render selection box correctly. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed heavy-mode when character dies in multiplayer. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed that the "run forest, run" achievement could be unlocked by shooting trees instead of running them over. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed a crash when trying to read LuaEntity::neighbours on a WallConnectable when one of the neighbours is a ghost. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed recipe highlights in the assembling machine GUI. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed an issue with the prototype explorer GUI and guns. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed false-positive desyncs when using mods and running /c game.force_crc() or /toggle-heavy-mode [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed a crash when defining a fluid stream prototype with zero particles. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed a GUI layering issue related to some error messages. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed not being able to open blueprint books in books through the quickbar. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed LuaSurface::find_entities_filtered would fail to find entities by collision mask if they only collide with tiles. [url=]more[/url] [*]Fixed that pump that cannot interact with fluid wagons would crash on save after position change. [url=]more[/url] [/list] [h1][b]Modding[/b][/h1] [list] [*]The mod settings GUI will now show the 'tooltip' icon for any settings that have tooltips. [*]Added a reset button to each mod setting in the mod settings GUI. [/list] [h1][b]Scripting[/b][/h1] [list] [*]Added LuaEntityPrototype::height, torso_rotation_speed, automatic_weapon_cycling, chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier, chunk_exploration_radius reads. [*]Added LuaEntityPrototype::animation_speed_coefficient. [*]Added LuaEntityPrototype::manual_range_modifier. [*]Added LuaEntityPrototype::dying_speed read. [*]Added sample_index parameter to LuaFlowStatistics::get_flow_count(). [*]Added LuaControl::crafting_queue_progress write. [*]Added LuaTile::tile_ghost. [*]Added 'to_be_deconstructed', and 'has_tile_ghost' filters to the options for LuaSurface::find_tiles_filtered. [*]Added LuaEntityPrototype::indexed_guns. It works as LuaEntityPrototype::guns but returns an array. [*]Collision-mask prototype filters for Entity, Tile and Decorative now support a 'contains-any' and 'contains-all' modes. [/list]