[h1][b]Bugfixes[/b][/h1] [list] [*]Fixed transport belts picking up items on ground when rotated. [url=https://forums.factorio.com/100693]more[/url] [*]Fixed that game.map_settings.path_finder.fwd2bwd_ratio could be set to nonsensical values. [url=https://forums.factorio.com/100785]more[/url] [*]Fixed main menu track playing only once. [url=https://forums.factorio.com/100787]more[/url] [*]Fixed that units could get stuck close to their goal. [url=https://forums.factorio.com/100348]more[/url] [*]Fixed that the small research bar in a technology slot wouldn't show for the technology currently in research. [url=https://forums.factorio.com/100789]more[/url] [*]Fixed a crash which was caused by early garbage collection of LuaObject because LuaObject method closures didn't hold a back reference to the object. [url=https://forums.factorio.com/57490]more[/url] [*]Fixed barelling recipe icons having incorrect tint with index-based fluid color definitions. [url=https://forums.factorio.com/100815]more[/url] [*]Fixed barelling recipe icons having incorrect alpha with fluid color definitions in 0-255 range. [/list] [h1][b]Scripting[/b][/h1] [list] [*]LuaObjects are now saved using binary format instead of previous format with intermediate Lua table. This speeds up general handling of LuaObjects and makes saving and loading with a lot of them noticable faster. [*]LuaObject::isluaobject now returns true instead of a magic string. [*]Clarified LuaGameScript::finished. [url=https://forums.factorio.com/99764]more[/url] [*]Added LuaGameScript::finished_but_continuing read. [*]Added LuaGameScript::reset_game_state() method. [*]Implemented new website for Lua API documentation. [/list]