Hello there! This update is all over the place, but it comes with some nice additions and reworks of very old systems. [h2]MAP WORK[/h2] First of all and after the Observation Chamber area face lift, work has started on the Exit area zone. There is a whole new corridor placed between the CEO office and the Observation Chambers; with some corpses, crates, a map station and a new access to Observation Chamber 3. This should add more options to both the Robot and the Mandrillians when navigating across the facility. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/5a9ffb2b54191b464a51a5f47454d596941ce4c1.png[/img] [h2]GATES, NOISES AND MULTITOOL[/h2] Second big thing for this update is a rework for both the keycard operated gates and the automatic ones, as well as some tweaks for the Multitool's radar and minimap sound notifications. The Multitool's radar screen, instead of indicating 20 and 40 meters with its inner and outer circles, now indicates 15 and 30, making it easier to gauge how far away enemies are. To compensate the decreased range, enemies will stay on the rim of the radar up until 60 meters, instead of 50. This also affects the way minimap noise pings work for the Mandrillians, and the new gates come into play: Automatic doors are more or less the same as now, but they now make a much quieter noise; as such, the noise ping will only notify Mandrillians that are up to 15 meters away, instead of 19. However, keycard operated gates are chunkier and close with a big slam, alerting Mandrillians up to 60 meters away, instead of 40. They close very fast (making it easier to kill a Mandrillian with it), but opening them is way slower, so be careful! To adjust to these changes, a few gates have been shuffled around. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/829b5c4935d84673b63e2faa2045646751915a6a.png[/img] [h2]NEW MANDRILLIAN SETTING: NIGHT VISION[/h2] A new setting is available on the Main Menu for the Mandrillians. Night Vision adds a red spotlight (only visible by that specific player), to help navigation in dark places. It has 3 stages: off (by default), on zoom (the light only turns on when zooming the camera in), and always on. The Mandrillian Beginner preset now has "always on" as a default. And that's all for today. Next step is the fully fledged final Exit zone! [h3]CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] Added a new corridor north of Observation Chambers 1 and 3. [*] Reworked door system: keycard doors are noisier and open slower; automatic doors are quieter [*] Reworked Multitool radar ranges and noise thresholds: from 20-40 + 10 on the edge to 15-30+30 on the edge [*] Added new Mandrillian setting: Night Vision [/list]