Hello there! This update addresses some user feedback, and brings some tweaks, weapon balance, and overall QoL features to the game. [h3]MENU TWEAKS AND QOL STUFF[/h3] -Renamed "Virtual Training" to "Arcade Hub". It will make more sense in the future. -Reworked the Main Menu start button: now there is a handy touchscreen to quickly select where you want to go (including instant access to the Basic Tutorial), and to toggle the intro skip. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/fcb5285f8800670f1aa73ea46e432e5c2a64ccb8.gif[/img] -Added a small screen on the Main Menu detailing the features of the selected Robot body. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/347191dde2683381fe0c8cea36abb9db9ad2592c.jpg[/img] -Tweaked the indicators for the starting items (now they have a red arrow pointing at them) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/d0b3b1875ef6645f97d87383de1b67aff96491a3.gif[/img] -Added option to go back to either the Main Menu or the Arcade Hub at the end of the Basic Tutorial. -Victory Room screen text now indicates the active preset in the match. -Changed Mandrillian's FOV indicators in their minimap to a better looking one that better represents the current FOV (and changes accordingly if you zoom) -Fixed Scientist model sometimes culling in the Main Menu. [h3]GAME BALANCING, TWEAKS, AND FIXES[/h3] -Fixed Multitool's "glow in the dark" markings being too visible for the Mandrillians. -Changed Horror Mode flashlight cooldown from 120 to 45 seconds. -Fixed Survivor loot style not giving the Robot any stinkin repair kits -Buffed the frag grenade blast radius and shrapnel amount. -Slightly buffed the RPG blast radius. -Nerfed sticky grenade blast radius and shrapnel amount (this is basically a buff) -Fixed crate in Research not giving the Plasma Rifle at all (now it should have a 1/20 chance) -Reworked crossbow bolt code for the upcoming Arena Mode, and by accident fixed the BALL going crazy when bolts got stuck to it. -Pump Shogtun now appears in crates with 2 shells in the shell holder. -HMG rebalance: slight rate of fire increase, no longer needs to be 2-handed to fire. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/9e00832817d566c8303075ba5a6e8c09896377f6.gif[/img] And most importantly: the BALL is back in the Main Menu for the Mandrillians to play with.