Hello there! It's been two weeks since the Early Access launch, and I am very happy and surprised with the reception of the game. I didn't think there was a market for a hardcore, local-only, PC vs VR asymmetrical horror multiplayer, and I was right! Still, there's more people into it than what I expected. However, there are two things I'm gonna have to improve: [list] [*] Better Mandrillian "training" for new players, as the current main menu control pics + random "pro tips" in-match are obviously not good enough. This is a priority and I will try to make proper videos and Virtual Training scenarios similar to what the VR player has, on top of an official Steam Guide for advanced Mandrillian strats. [*] Somehow people keep buying (and refunding) the game not realizing the game is local-only. I've tried to make that fact as clear as I've been able to with the Steam description, mini description, capsule image, trailer and Steam tags stating it right away. I'm open to suggestions on how to make that more clear for potential buyers (as well as explaining how to use Remote Local Play, which seems to be a feature not many people know about) [/list] [h1]THE OFFICIAL DISCORD[/h1] As always, remember there is an [url=discord.gg/HPES5g8]OFFICIAL DISCORD SERVER [/url]you can join full of peculiar little characters that will probably be willing to play with you over Remote Play and teach you the ropes of Mandrillia. It's also the best place for feedback and suggestions, and overall discussion of the game. This is the first update of hopefully many, and adds some gnarly new mechanics to the game on top of addressing some of the initial feedback. It's time to play with fire. [h1]THE UPDATE[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/35c7a9bd90619cc63196b20eb9a2de47a70dbbfe.png[/img] Now, a recurring piece of feedback during these weeks has been "sure, the game is alright, but I wish I could commit more war crimes". Worry not, because this update is ripe with those. [h2]INTRODUCING: FLAMMABLE GAS[/h2] Every cloud of poison gas in the game (be it from exploded green barrels, poison grenades, or the "decontamination" chamber) is now flammable. Just put a flammable source near those clouds, and they will be set off in a glorious ball of fire. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/d6f7417f98d8df7056d7f7282f9e4014d10cee81.gif[/img] There are a lot of things that count as "flame source", some more obvious, some less. Careless robots should mind the little pilot of their flamethrowers. Burning Mandrillians should avoid crossing poison gas clouds even more than before... Unless they want to weaponize that. Overheating can be very dangerous for the robot, after all. [h2]INTRODUCING: INCENDIARY QUAD LAUNCHER[/h2] Sometimes you want to set things on fire that are beyond flamethrower range. Shooting those red barrels is cool and all, but nothing beats four incendiary rockets being spat out in less than a second. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/dd397a330ff77479b86e415ebf9bedd4d55342b9.png[/img] The Quad Launcher does not have a very big blast radius, and its little rockets can't fit much propellant, so aiming it will be tricky, forcing you to account for projectile drop. But they will bring warmth to your heart, and to any unlucky Mandrillian in the way. [h1]FULL CHANGELOG:[/h1] [h2]ADDITIONS:[/h2] [list] [*] New weapon: Incendiary Quad Launcher. [*] New mechanic: Flammable poison gas clouds. [*] New war crime-related achievement. [/list] [h2]TWEAKS:[/h2] [list] [*] The weapon crate progression in Horror mode is now Flamethrower - Quad Launcher - Heavy Machine Gun. [*] Improved starter item lights: they are brighter, blink faster, and for a longer time. [*] Added slight blinking light to "START MATCH" big red button. [*] Specified that Mandrillian's attack button is "Hold to charge - Release to attack" at the Main Menu cage. [*] Robot now brings any items being held at the moment of winning to the Victory Room . [/list] [h2]BALANCING:[/h2] [list] [*] Crossbow standard bolt buffed: higher burst damage, slightly longer bleed effect. [*] Mandrillians can now see with their own eyes the footsteps of a sprinting Robot (if they are 20 meters away or closer), on top of it being shown in the minimap. [/list] [h2]FIXES:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed sentry turret having horrible peripheral vision and being a bit careless with friendly fire. [*] Fixed the minimap Robot sprint notification being centered to playspace instead of player position. [*] Fixed spoiler-y thing regarding the CEO room mini-quest. [*] Fixed dummy Mandrillian at the Basic Tutorial scene having its radar blip disappear after being killed once. [*] Fixed multitool bug that happened if you were holding it while winning. [*] Fixed objects placed on top of barrels staying frozen in mid air after the barrels exploded. [*] Fixed security cameras being invulnerable to blast damage. [*] Fixed observation chamber 3 text not being visible. [*] Fixed warehouse-research lab vent being misaligned with the vent hole. [*] Cleaned up C4 detonator code. [/list] That's all for now, happy Mandrillin'! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/4334929265721156ff6c53bad42784b92857e856.png[/img]