Hello there! This first month after release has gone too fast for comfort. As I promised on the last big update, I've been working on making the Mandrillian side of the game easier to understand for newcomers. To achieve that, I've added video tutorials right at the start, and some training dummies to test your skills before a match begins. I've also added two new presets, meant to make the game extremely easy to either the Robot or Mandrillian side for those times where a veteran Robot/Mandrillian player faces off an absolute newbie. This update also comes with some tweaks under the hood: I've reworked the Item Spawner, hopefully making it easier for potential modders to add new entries. There's also a new unlocking mechanic for secret weapons, and a couple new match modifiers regarding minimap sound blips. This is not a very exciting update, but I had to get this out of the way before getting into more... juicy stuff. [url=discord.gg/HPES5g8]As always, if you're looking for some people to play the game with over Remote Play, you can join the official Discord Server![/url] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/139494b4ab92fb5afbb1626c613ce1a92270a7b5.jpg[/img] [h2]VIDEO TUTORIALS AND TRAINING DUMMIES[/h2] Right as you get into the game, on the Main Menu, Mandrillian players now have three condensed video tutorials showing all relevant mechanics. The videos cover attacking, dodging, stamina management, the health system, vent mechanics, tracking, and the special move. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/68e316173ca0b0eb4683cc8c9688cff3cb9bd8a8.png[/img] On top of that, I included handy training dummies for Mandrillians to practice attacking and dodging: after being hit, these dummies will react with a stun charge. [h2]ITEM SPAWNER CODE REWORK, ITEM UNLOCK PROGRESSION[/h2] I've reworked the Item Spawner code to make it easier for potential modders to add entries to it. I've also added an "unlock" system; right now there is only 1 unlock (tied to the CEO room secret quest), but there's more planned for the next update (centered around Virtual Training scenarios) [h2]COMING SOON: VIRTUAL TRAINING MODULES[/h2] After getting this monkey business out of the way, I'm focusing on something I've been wanting to do for a while: expanding the Virtual Training scenarios and modules. Right now the only VIrtual Training module is the VR tutorial one (well, and the hub, of course). The idea is to have Virtual Training as a way to have more arcadey fun both alone and with friends, hopefully with some nice leaderboards too. First modules coming up will be some shooting range courses, and an Arena mode for players that want more shooty action and less horror. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/7c483f6624880ebf57d66af9b8426a1b201209d0.gif[/img] [h2]FULL CHANGELOG:[/h2] [h3]ADDITIONS:[/h3] [list] [*] Added video tutorials for the Mandrillians in the starting scene [*] Added training dummies for the Mandrillians to practise [*] Added unlocking mechanics for the item spawner [*] Added 1 unlockable weapon for the item spawner [*] Added 2 new presets: Robot Newcomer, Mandrillian Newcomer [*] Added new match settings: sprint minimap blip (20m/off), door minimap blip (50m/20m/off) [*] Added glowsticks after being threatened for years [*] Added 2 new achievements [/list] [h3]TWEAKS:[/h3] [list] [*] Monkeys now get a little bit of special move charge when hitting doors [*] Made it easier to "cheat" the CEO room secret by making the other key item be spawnable on the item spawner [/list] [h3]FIXES:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed monkeys "dynamic spawn" markers colliding with the VR player and with each other [/list] [h3]PS: glowstik[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/4ffd48f1cc19920dd67fa763e94f1a35c6bcbabe.png[/img]