Hello there! Moved all the Experimental branch stuff to the Default branch. Some small fixes, some balancing, and some preparation for the upcoming "Mandrillian Tutorial" update that will include some very needed tips and pointers inside the starting cage. TWEAKS: [list] [*]Mandrillian 1-stamina point attack now charges twice as fast, does a tiny bit less of damage. Rest of attacks (2 point, 3 point, critical 3 point) take the same time as before to charge. [*]"Monkey IK" setting is no longer a setting and it's always ON. [*]Made the flamethrower's glow-in-the-dark fuel gauge way less visible for monkeys (visibility unchanged for VR player). [*]Enabled most of Mandrillian's features and UI in the Main Menu, in preparation for the upcoming "Mandrillian Tutorial" integration for that scene. [*]Changed some descriptions for the starting cage's wall showing the bindings ("POWERUP" is now "SPECIAL"; "STEALTH" is now "CROUCH"; specified "HOLD TO CHARGE, RELEASE TO ATTACK") [*]Updated the MONO PATRONO section in the credits. [/list] FIXES: [list] [*]Fixed Mandrillian sounds for jumping in/out of vents doing weird things sometimes. [*]FIxed (?) "haptics" and Mandrillian's "wounds" settings sometimes not being properly saved/reset. For first time players they should default to ON. Rest of players should double check the setting they're at, and the game should save it properly from now on. [*]Fixed Quad Launcher rockets not being properly physics-frozen in ammo crates. [*]Fixed Main Menu start button's pulsating light turning off after a minute. [/list] That's all for now, have a nice weekend!