The facilities have been overrun by Murderbot Sentinels! They are hostile to both the Robot and the Mandrillians, so it's time to put your differences aside and cooperate if you want to escape! [img][/img] [h2]THE HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE[/h2] To try the Halloween Challenge, press the HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE button on the Main Menu robot rig, and you will instantly jump into it. The objective is to escape the facility, and it can be done both solo or with friendly monkeys. But beware: if monkeys join, you'll have to make sure to keep at least one alive or the challenge will fail. Remember that you can revive (non-gibbed) dead monkeys using your Repair Kit! (I knew this dumb feature would come in handy at some point) If you manage to complete the Halloween Challenge, you will be rewarded with an achievement and a horrible cosmetic for the Robot. After Halloween ends, you'll be able to access the challenge from the reworked Arcade Hub (I hate time-locked rewards) [img][/img] This event is the result of my recent fiddling with enemy AI. I wanted to make a stationary, "target"-like enemy to focus on player detection and reaction to all the mechanics present in the game. This means the Sentinels will react "realistically" to both the VR and PC players actions (like making noise, cloaking, attacking nearby sentinels) as well as be affected differently by each type of damage inflicted on them. You might find some neat combos! [h2]MURDERBOTS[/h2] The Halloween Challenge brings the debut of the Sentinel Murderbot, a stationary bot that will shoot at the nearest threat. They react to both visual and audio cues, and can alert each other when they get damaged, so being stealthy is a good strategy against them. This variation of the Sentinels comes with head armor that is vaguely reminiscent of a jack-o-lantern to keep in line with the Halloween theme. Enough damage will destroy it, and armor-piercing weapons (like the HMG and minigun) will straight out ignore it. Still, it's better to aim at the big chest weakpoint. Next step in enemy AI is proper pathfinding, and I'm happy to say that's going smoothly, with another Murderbot coming soon to test it... [img][/img] [h2]COOPERATIVE AND SINGLE PLAYER TESTS[/h2] The Halloween Challenge is also a test for future modes where VR players can play by themselves or cooperate with the PC players. I've already planned coop-exclusive characters for the PC players (with more depth to the interactions with the Robot), but for this one it's the good ol Mandrillians. To facilitate cooperation between the Robot and the Mandrillians, the Halloween Challenge disables the 30 second headstart for the monkeys. The sentry turret will ignore them, preventing friendly-fire accidents. That's all for now! Happy Halloween! [h2]CHANGELOG:[/h2] [list] [*] Added the Halloween Challenge, accesible from the Main Menu. [*] Implemented the first draft of the enemy AI system, with full interactions with the current mechanics. [*] Added "SMILING FIENDS" achievement for completing the Halloween Challenge. [*] Added "Pumpkin Helmet" cosmetic unlockable for completing the Halloween Challenge. [*] Fixed Multitool battery visual bug that sometimes triggered when depleting it. [*] Fixed some final screen scoring mistakes. [*] Tweaked Mandrillian anti-softlock. [*] Added a bit of extra smoke when attacking with the chainsaw. [/list]