Hello there! This was another update that grew over its original size, as the few of you on the Experimental branch might have noticed... [h2]THE RESTROOM[/h2] The restroom is now complete! This wraps up the final layout of the base map. From now on, all map work left (besides tweaks and adjustments) is the 3 optional extra zones (warehouse, lab, and waste disposal). [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/c6ce0b31982c272115d03f6c248613b5e8ec0c4a.png[/img] On top of being a nice hiding spot and having a few extra loot spawners, the restroom comes with a few gimmicks. I've improved the destroyable environment system that I implemented with the canteen's tables -now Mandrillians will plow through them like butter without losing their hurtbox. Try slamming through the stalls! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/2be67c066cdf382157798ccbb5977785034c6dd2.gif[/img] But there's more; I've decided to jump into the fishing minigame trend and add my own twist to it! You WILL lose any dignity you had left, but hey, you also might find a nice item that could mean the difference between escaping or getting forcefully disassembled. Or maybe you'll get something a bit more dangerous. There's a new achievement for that! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/9ffcebc06ed2e9220f6d3ae9640cb40da57f84ce.gif[/img] [h2]MANDRILLIAN'S STREAMLINED UI AND MINOR ADJUSTMENTS[/h2] Continuing with the Mandrillian QoL improvements, the UI for the PC players has been streamlined and centered. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/5d36f6e1e68fa6633d4a49ac9f431a6c26350d18.png[/img] First of all, the whole UI is now centered, making it easier to check your status without having to look all the way to one side of the screen (this was very annoying on wider formats). The "context action" button has been fully removed; nobody really noticed it and its current main goal (showing when you could jump up a vent) has been replaced with the vent markers. The TRACKING and SPECIAL markers now have text indicating which one's which, to help new players. And finally, the entire UI overlay has been revamped to prevent occasional geometry clipping and z-fighting. Sadly this all means I had to remove the main menu video tutorials, as those have become painfully obsolete now. In upcoming updates, there's gonna be a full revamp of the Pause menu screen, with per-monkey pause screens and some long awaited features like monkey kicking or inverted camera controls. For non-UI related tweaks, jump indicators have been improved, 1-point attacks now charge 0.1 seconds faster, 3-point attacks stay charged for 0.5 seconds longer, and controller users will get an extra rumble blip right befor the 3-point critical attack charge ends. Also, I fixed and tweaked some issues with door slamming, like open doors counting as a "hit" (and often screwing over legit attacks against the VR player), and adding some knockback after hitting a closed door. [h2]BLOOD FX REWORK[/h2] Gone are the days of the unsightly mandrillian blood trails. The new system is optimized, more subtle, and also properly aligns to surfaces -this also means you'll now start seeing blood splats on walls! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/3de16d0b4696a3f8141e638ab12124b94ea9ba32.png[/img] [h2]NEW MATCH SETTINGS[/h2] There's been a couple new match settings added to the mix: [b]CUSTOM HEADSTART TIME:[/b] instead of the fixed 30 seconds "courtesy" time before Mandrillians can spawn, you can now customize it from 1 to 99 seconds. This also affects AI mandrillians! [b]MULTITOOL KEYCARD LOCATION:[/b] if you feel too lost as the VR player, or if you're playing one of the most action-oriented gamemodes, this will show the keycard locations within your Multitool screen. [b]EXTRA INVENTORY SLOTS:[/b] if you SUCK at inventory management, turn this on and you'll get two extra slots in your inventory -this can be helpful if you've activated any of the two infinite ammo modes, as those disable the big middle slot. [h2]AI OPTIONS AND THE FUTURE OF NPCS[/h2] I've been neglecting the AI mandrillians since I implemented them, and they're gonna get some well-needed love very soon... but in the meantime, here's some tweaks and extra options. Until now, AI mandrillians had their armor AND damage reduction that could be disabled by destroying their back cylinder contraptions, and the only way to do that was to shock them ad them fire at them while they annoyingly came out and back in. Not anymore. Damage-reduction cylinders are now always out, so feel free to snipe them from a safe spot! (this will make them freak out, be advised) But if you still hate these cylinders, you can now completely disable them... Or disable their entire armor, which will make them a 1:1 counterpart to their human-controlled brethren (at least HP wise) To change that, there's a new AI option called "STYLE" that can be toggled between "NO ARMOR", "ARMOR", and "JUICED". Have fun! [h3]CHANGELOG[/h3] [list] [*] [b]MAP CHANGES[/b] [*] Fully finished Restroom area [*] Added toilet-based fishing mechanics [*] New achievement: DIRTY BOMB [*] Fixed north corridor Map Station having a wrong "you are here" location [*] [b]MANDRILLIAN CHANGES[/b] [*] UI Rework: Mandrillian UI is now centered and streamlined [*] Fixed Mandrillian UI sometimes being rendered below geometry [*] Improved vent jump indicators [*] Blood trail system improved and optimized: added wall blood splatter and blood drops now comform to surfaces [*] New match settings: custom headstart time, show keycard location on the Multitool, and extra inventory slots [*] Polished and smoothed Mandrillian collisions against environment [*] Mandrillians can plow through destroyable environment (tables, toilet stalls) without losing their hurtbox [*] Improved Manrillian hurtboxes to prevent missed hits when attacking really close to the VR player [*] Mandrillian 1-point attack now charges 0.1 seconds faster [*] Mandrillian 3-point critical attack now stays for half a second longer [*] Right before the Mandrillian attack charge is about to run out, controllers will get a different rumble [*] Fixed open doors counting as a hit for Mandrillians (and sometimes preventing attacks from connecting against the VR player) [*] Mandrillians have now a bit of knockback after hitting closed doors [*] [b]AI CHANGES:[/b] [*] AI Mandrillians now have 3 styles: "NO ARMOR", "ARMOR", and "JUICED". [*] AI Mandrillians on "JUICED" mode will always have the damage-reduction rods out (no need to stun them to make them pop out). [*] Added AI Mandrillian navigation points for the new and reworked zones. [*] Ported the body-turning animation to AI Mandrillians. [*] AI Mandrillians' sounds now more in line with regular Mandrillians (no more annoying slams when jumping in and out of vents) [*] AI Mandrillian headstart now the same as the match's headstart setting. [/list]