Hello there! Small one this time: the flamethrower now has sticky flames. Also, some minor tweaks and fixes. When hitting "regular" surfaces, the flamethrower will leave sticky flames for a few seconds; those will inflict fire damage to anything that gets in range. Use this to quickly set up traps or to gain some valuable seconds against the Mandrillians! I've also done some experiments with AI enemies changing their pathfinding on the fly to avoid running into sticky flames. While it works nicely most of the time, there's some consistent corner cases that will need a bit more time in the oven, so this feature will be relegated to experimental builds for a while [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42158802/f2e412bebc7d9022604e15dc948db7bce3f0a498.gif[/img] [h2]CHANGELOG[/h2] [list] [*] Updated Unity version from 2019.1.8 to 2019.1.14 [*] Added sticky flames mechanic for the flamethrower [*] Increased initial delay for flamethrower 0.1 seconds [*] Slightly reduced flamethrower flame speed after the initial fireball [*] Slightly reduced flamethrower ROF (so a tank will last longer, and less fuel will be wasted on the initial delay) [*] Fixed Multitool's emissive light bleed visual bug [*] Smoothed a small collision bump on a particular corner in the vents [/list]